I am sitting on a plane headed east from Singapore after 3 nights at HHN Singapore, my first time! Figured I'd type up some brief thoughts here before something lengthier in some form or another:
- The houses were all very good! Although they weren't as polished and scenically beautiful and complicated as the ones in the US (although they weren't too far off), they featured portions that tend not to happen in the States, like my favorite: a bungie floor in Cursed Scrolls. The scare actors were given more freedom to operate and I noticed several times where they followed guests from room to room or spontaneously interacted with each other, almost more like Knott's than HHN. Cursed Scrolls ended up as my favorite but I think at one point or another over the weekend, I had all 4 in the top spot. I still think Insidious is my HHN all-coast 2024 favorite but I think all 4 Singapore houses are in the top 10.
- HHN Bear was in Under the Castle!! He didn't get the memo about "Bear Bear Bear" when you walk by but I didn't hold it against him

- The scare zones were also different than the States. The Lost Kampung and Vampire Alley were more less outdoor houses like the old ones on the Lower Lot in Hollywood. Kampung in particular was the darkest I've ever seen something at HHN. But I think Nether-Land was my favorite scare zone at USS and at any HHN this year. Think the Rob Zombie zone but dance music instead of rock. I tend to love a good party zone especially when there are straight scare zones to balance it out like there are here. And the scare actors made it their own. It was 80+ degrees and humid the entire couple days and they literally never stopped dancing. They're nonstop dancing, interacting and even screaming all night. Just unbelievable stuff. I told them as much as I was leaving the event last night for the last time and I left feedback at guest services. Great showing here from USS in a down year around the rest of the parks.
- The Viper Lounge had some of the best interactions I've ever gotten at a HHN. Basically, it's this little bar with a snack or two that is run by the Vampire Elders and features them dancing, interacting with guests and doing little skits (culminating in stunt glass being cracked over one's head). I did RIP tours on two of my three nights and bought the upcharge on the other night so by the end they started recognizing me and selected me to be a part of the coup the second in command vampire was planning against her brother. I pledged my loyalty to her and was rewarded with a little vampire necklace for it. It's just a cheap little necklace with no USS markings but it was such a cool touch that made me feel really special.
- My only point of disappointment about the event was the absolutely abysmal selection of souvenirs for the event. I kid you not, the entire collection consisted of 4 Weeknd shirts/hoodies from last year, a color changing mug, a restractable lanyard, the Chucky popcorn basket, Lil Boo Sipper and a table of Under the Castle/Team Wang stuff (plushes, stickers, magnets and pins). Not a single t shirt for the year shocked me beyond belief. I had some friends that are massive HHN fans ask me to pick stuff up for them and their friends while I was in town but both they and I ended up passing on anything beyond the event Blinky cup. Please, please, please fix this for next year USS! I will literally spend hundreds of dollars at a minimum if you do.
- The fandom is alive and well in Singapore! Was sitting down at a table relaxing when a local sat down next to me. I chatted him up about the event and turns out he was another big fan trying to make his way out to Orlando at some point. In addition, I met the man, the myth and the legend, Mr Dejiki himself! Super nice guy, I really enjoyed our brief conversation about the event. In case any of these folks lurk here, please join in! You have such a great event and I'd love to have your speculation and thoughts here!
- I got to meet Suzie from Dejiki's videos. Her makeup was as on point as it ever has been. Actually all of the tour guides had cool makeup on, even if they weren't as over the top as Suzie.
- Some of those new friends that I met mentioned to me that the event was cut pretty deeply as a result of Covid and that they're only now getting back to normal. They seem to have heard that 5 houses will be back next year with a full budget. If you've wanted to get to the event, start saving up because it seems like HHN 13 will be one to remember! I already have my flights booked for next year and I'm eagerly awaiting it already!