I would go as far as to say Stranger Things will have a very strong vibe of AVP (scares and sets) and AWiL (scares as well). Walking through the woods and through Will’s house is going to give off a strong AVP vibe with those Demigorgan puppets in there.
As much as I would want a sound stage, I don’t think the quality would be affected if we got it or not. AVP would’ve absolutely been hindered by it from the size of the build up with the crashed Spaceship and the end with the queen. ST doesn’t really require massive sets like AVP did so I think it will do just fine in a tent. Even if they had to, I would argue they would’ve made it work somehow. Just look at AHS ‘16. That was supposed to be for 747 but it turned out just fine in a tent.
Random fact: those Xenomorph puppets are still in storage. John Budget-man Murdy will likely reskin those to Demis if we get ST. I would imagine he probably still has those AWiL puppets in storage as well.
Eh, doesn’t matter. We have most of this year figured out anyway.