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Halloween Horror Nights 22 Discussion

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We had the 2003 movie...not the original. Hollywood has had it already as well.

Really?? :lol: Yes, both movies had different plots; however at the end of the day it's a chainsaw weilding man that wears a mask made of skin.

UPDATE: And if you want to get techinical, we did have the original during All Nite Die-In.
Holy crap, Fallow... filled with cynicism. :lol:

I'm reserving all judgement til the whole line-up is revealed entirely.

I haven't spoken up about the event much on this site... I promise it did start with optimism, fell into cynicism when the lists leaked, and has went up a bit since. The Gargoyles and Victorian Mansion houses both have the potential to be excellent; Classic Monsters could easily go either way. The zone concepts here simply don't excite me yet. (Let be clear - I'll be going into the event hoping it's an awesome one. I'm paying over a thousand dollars to attend from Boston, and I'm going to give everything they've announced [and will soon announce] a chance.)

Personally, nothing I've heard about the event makes me think "worse". The 2 propless scarezones don't bother me, considering I thought the props last year added nothing to the event.

We very well could have a storyline with this war deal. I wouldn't count out that just yet.

The two rushed house concepts (Silent Hill and especially Classic Monsters, which is probably still under construction), reduction in house count, one "meh" house theme (Cooper), along with what sounds like neutered zones, does make me think worse. If 2010's FEAR was any indication, A&D does not necessarily work well under improvisational pressure and rushed concepts.

As for zones... you're really telling me the elaborate set-pieces in Acid Assault did nothing for you? That was some of the best place-making I've seen in any HHN zone. Hollywood Boulevard's 7, while less elaborate, would've had its impact reduced by a lack of stages.

As for the plot/battling concept... I've heard the details. I'm not extremely impressed or convinced it'll work... but if it did, it would be pretty damn cool. A storyline would be great and much appreciated, but it's a little hard to swallow that we haven't gotten anything of substance on the site yet.
The two rushed house concepts (Silent Hill and especially Classic Monsters, which is probably still under construction), reduction in house count, one "meh" house theme (Cooper), along with what sounds like neutered zones, does make me think worse. If 2010's FEAR was any indication, A&D does not necessarily work well under improvisational pressure and rushed concepts.

We'll see. After last year going for the first time and having my two least anticipated houses (In Between and Bloodngutz) turn out to be my favorites, I'm not going to judge a house before heading through it. Silent Hill opens a wealth of possibilities and the Classic Monsters concept sounds like it could be different. And Cooper went over incredibly well in Hollywood last year, so I'm not worried there.

As for zones... you're really telling me the elaborate set-pieces in Acid Assault did nothing for you? That was some of the best place-making I've seen in any HHN zone. Hollywood Boulevard's 7, while less elaborate, would've had its impact reduced by a lack of stages.

Nope. Did nothing for me. It could have been fog and lighting effects and the zone wouldn't have changed for me, IMO. The projections were semi-interesting, but fell apart at close range.

As for the plot/battling concept... I've heard the details. I'm not extremely impressed or convinced it'll work... but if it did, it would be pretty damn cool. A storyline would be great and much appreciated, but it's a little hard to swallow that we haven't gotten anything of substance on the site yet.

I have faith in A&D. The battle idea is at least something new. And to be honest, I'd rather see them trying to shake up the mold rather than doing the same old thing year after year.

As for the storyline, if they're doing the war, there kind of has to be a storyline, no? Even if they start the clues about it when they put up the whole site, we'd still have about a month until the event. Plenty of time to flesh it out.
The problem for me is a "storyline" for HHN always reminds me of the Merriweather Pleasure "storyline" for Pleasure Island. Yeah, a couple of hard-core fanbois really got into it, but it went completely over the heads of the average guest, making all that effort essentially wasted. At the end of the day, I'd much rather have good houses and good SZs with no connection than mediocre that tie into some goth soap opera. Frankly, the same goes for an icon--it's just for marketing, and so Gen Y kids can take a picture for Facebook (or Instagram or whatever kids are doing these days--hey, get off my lawn!). It could just be a pumpkin on the billboards and I'd still be going.

Re: 2012. Not worried about the SZs--props are nice, but back in the day they did wonders with just fog and music. Cautiously optimistic about the houses we're getting--those are always hard to pre-judge, but P&T, gargoyles and classic monsters all sound like they could be instant classics. But still worried about crowds given that we're down one house plus Jaws. That's a fair chunk of hourly capacity gone.
The two rushed house concepts (Silent Hill and especially Classic Monsters, which is probably still under construction), reduction in house count, one "meh" house theme (Cooper), along with what sounds like neutered zones, does make me think worse. If 2010's FEAR was any indication, A&D does not necessarily work well under improvisational pressure and rushed concepts.

I see your point about FEAR in 2010--from what I hear can be applied to Lady Luck as well. But while the construction may be last minute, I thought the concept for Classic Monsters had been around a while. Dr. Jimmy alluded to it in his initial 7 clues back before SS 44 got torn down. Given its potential similarity to All-Nite Die-In--and the fact it seemingly was bounced from SS 33 to All-Nite Die-In's former location at the last minute--I'm hoping for the best.
But still worried about crowds given that we're down one house plus Jaws. That's a fair chunk of hourly capacity gone.

I'm only slightly worried about that.

DM:MM will be open, there's rumored to be a show in Beetlejuice, and a few laser/fountain/water screen shows on the lagoon. And if it comes to it and they're really hurting after that, I could see them opening another ride like ET or something.
I'm only slightly worried about that.

DM:MM will be open, there's rumored to be a show in Beetlejuice, and a few laser/fountain/water screen shows on the lagoon. And if it comes to it and they're really hurting after that, I could see them opening another ride like ET or something.

Yeah, but the HHN crowd is primarily local, and not terribly skewed toward theme park fanbois. DM:MM and ET are not going to be pulling much of a crowd with those demographics. Nor did the last fireworks-free HHN lagoon show they tried. Hoping the BJ show is a crowd pleaser, they need it to be.
Yeah, but the HHN crowd is primarily local, and not terribly skewed toward theme park fanbois. DM:MM and ET are not going to be pulling much of a crowd with those demographics. Nor did the last fireworks-free HHN lagoon show they tried. Hoping the BJ show is a crowd pleaser, they need it to be.

I agree, Dm will do littel for crowds.
And JS you got a very good year for your first, be thankful it wasn't XX.
The term "local" is far too vague. I would say the crowd is more Florida skewed but that does not necessitate local. Despicable Me WILL get a long wait, cut and dry. Simpsons tended to get a long wait in 2008 and 2009. Any attraction that can get extremely terrified people out of the "Horror" will get a long wait, and considering Despicable Me is the most kid friendly, can give the biggest escape, and is the newest attraction it definitely will get a long wait.

The doll is all but confirmed for the Victorian House.

Some people might want to be cynical but the joint IP argument is kind of invalid. In 2007 Hollywood literally got all the same IP's that our event had. In 2009, Hollywood had a large number of the same IP's our event had. The houses at Orlando and Hollywood however were WAY different. You can search their event and clearly see that. The too much IP argument in it's self is invalid, in 2007 and in 2009 half if not more than half of the Orlando event was straight IP's. I don't know where this wave of cynicism has came from the HHN community, my only logical conclusion is the website which Universal has addressed is an issue via surveys.

The 2010 and 2011 events felt WAY too similarly to me personally. 2011's biggest improvement was house design and how clearly more money went into houses. However, streets clearly suffered. We have not had a well rounded event at HHN Orlando since 2008 or 2009 and now that we're getting what very likely could be a well rounded event with a healthy number of attractions open (5), 7 houses, scarezones AND hordes, and a potential 3 shows people are COMPLAINING. This boggles my mind. If there is a general consensus that this year is terrible please screen shot this and I will eat my words, but until then color me enthusiastic, I think this year Comcast is going to really shake up the formula.
The problem for me is a "storyline" for HHN always reminds me of the Merriweather Pleasure "storyline" for Pleasure Island. Yeah, a couple of hard-core fanbois really got into it, but it went completely over the heads of the average guest, making all that effort essentially wasted. At the end of the day, I'd much rather have good houses and good SZs with no connection than mediocre that tie into some goth soap opera. Frankly, the same goes for an icon--it's just for marketing, and so Gen Y kids can take a picture for Facebook (or Instagram or whatever kids are doing these days--hey, get off my lawn!). It could just be a pumpkin on the billboards and I'd still be going.

Re: 2012. Not worried about the SZs--props are nice, but back in the day they did wonders with just fog and music. Cautiously optimistic about the houses we're getting--those are always hard to pre-judge, but P&T, gargoyles and classic monsters all sound like they could be instant classics. But still worried about crowds given that we're down one house plus Jaws. That's a fair chunk of hourly capacity gone.

@First Paragraph: I guess agree to disagree. Lady Luck's plot line was convulted (and a bit of a stretch at times), but I (and other fans) still appreciated it. I really felt like 2005, 2007, and 2008 (and to a lesser extent 2009 and lesser-lesser extent 2011) were effective uses of overall themes. The idea was you weren't just in "Universal Studios" - you were in another place entirely, a world ruled by each year's respective icon. Each house/zone somehow tied into that word (in 05 they were literal places of interest, in 07 they were sideshow attractions, in 2008 they were representations of phobias, etc.) That's not hard for the general public to get behind... 05 is a mythical world, 07 is a carnival, 09 is a movie theater come alive... These are big ideas the public can get behind. The extra nitty gritty plot stuff. I just find it a lot more interesting than "Universal Studios with an assortment of high quality houses and zones." That isn't necessarily bad at all, it was successful for over a decade - I just would like to think the event has evolved beyond that. I'm not a fan of "returning to the 90's/event roots" because I frankly feel the event has improved dramatically since those days - why devolve?

@Second paragraph: Again, I have to default to the "why devolve" argument. Here's hoping the zones can succeed without props... keep in mind that the scare zones were FAR less regulated in the days where there were no sets; nowadays you've got a half dozen handlers policing each zone and keeping actors in strict boundaries (no sidewalks, remember!) The extra bells & whistles (i.e. props/sets) helped mitigate that somewhat, IMO. Here's also hoping that the zones that do not obstruct the parade (San Francisco, Central Park, World Expo) do actually include sets/props... because there are rumors that they won't, even though they can. Some of the themes being discussed DO have potential... As for the houses you mentioned, I agree. Penn & Teller actually has a very sound/fun concept behind it, I just wish they'd developed an original host character (ala Bloodengutz) instead of resorting to celebrities. I'm guessing the house will be solid from what we've seen and what I've heard. Classic Monsters could again go either way... there's some difficulty for the Dead Exposure-effect to work in the Parade Building (making that assumption based on the DE scene in HHNXX). The last minute construction also hurts it.

I see your point about FEAR in 2010--from what I hear can be applied to Lady Luck as well. But while the construction may be last minute, I thought the concept for Classic Monsters had been around a while. Dr. Jimmy alluded to it in his initial 7 clues back before SS 44 got torn down. Given its potential similarity to All-Nite Die-In--and the fact it seemingly was bounced from SS 33 to All-Nite Die-In's former location at the last minute--I'm hoping for the best.

Lady Luck was not initially planned and supposedly forced on A&D by marketing, which probably contributed to the lack of a proper casino house. A lot of the criticisms I've levied against FEAR can also apply to Lady Luck... though at least Lady Luck had a fair amount of integration in the event (however convoluted), was marketed better, and had the potential to actually scare you in the event (as lame as the zone was many weekends).

I'm only slightly worried about that.

DM:MM will be open, there's rumored to be a show in Beetlejuice, and a few laser/fountain/water screen shows on the lagoon. And if it comes to it and they're really hurting after that, I could see them opening another ride like ET or something.

Despicable Me will pull a bit of crowds, but it won't be the juggernaut I think you're expecting. It also only has the fraction of the capacity JAWS had. The Beatlejuice show could and should help... but it depends on what the show is. The Cinematic Spectacular special edition will honestly probably not do much for crowd control... everything I've read suggests the 2006 version impacted little, the show would only last for about 15 minutes max, and it won't draw people to the point that they wait over an hour for the show to start. ET queue is typically used for overflow Parade Building queue these days, so I'm not sure how feasible that is... but even if they did open it it wouldn't draw much of a crowd. There's a reason it isn't open in the first place.

Yeah, but the HHN crowd is primarily local, and not terribly skewed toward theme park fanbois. DM:MM and ET are not going to be pulling much of a crowd with those demographics. Nor did the last fireworks-free HHN lagoon show they tried. Hoping the BJ show is a crowd pleaser, they need it to be.

This^. DM:MM will pull the out-of-towners who haven't had a chance to visit the park yet post-DM, or the locals who only attend during HHN. That's about it.

I agree, Dm will do littel for crowds.
And JS you got a very good year for your first, be thankful it wasn't XX.

Yes, this!

I'm gonna disagree. It'll pull more people than Jaws did during HHN, IMO. Front of the park+new attraction+opportunity to ride with a shorter wait than during the day = draw

Again - DM has a fraction of the capacity JAWS has. Its newness will help it, but JAWS was also in an ideal position (next to the JAWS queue house & B&T). JAWS also benefitted in that it was an outdoor ride; many enjoyed experiencing it during HHN out of lack of opportunity to take night rides during the day. Honestly, I expect the total people who pass through the turnstiles to be pretty close... so we're still down a house, the one that typically has had the longest line. That's worrisome, especially since Uni isn't going to be opposed to longer lines - more express pass sales!

People keep saying we'll get 8 houses again next year... unless crowd control becomes insane or this year tanks ticket sales wise, the cynic in me kind of doubts that.
I NEVER felt like Lady Luck's or Fear's story added to the over all event. The last time I truly felt that I was no longer entering USF but entering another realm was 2008, during Reflections of Fear. Every piece seemed to matter there, and despite the economy being wrecked at the time people still turned out and the event pulled insanely high GSAT's. 2009 was a step away from 2008, but none-the-less it still had more of an over all correlation between everything. 2010 and 2011 had none of that. Lady Luck was CLEARLY added on as a marketing decision and the way they shoe horned her into house story lines was evident. I would have never known without being on the media tour that she and choice some how tied into every house at the event, and that is quite frankly because they didn't up until marketing said "We need this, make it work."

I think it's quite apparent why we have 7 houses this year, if you want to look past the signs of why we took the hit than feel free to. There was however 8 planned, and guest will notice and lucky for the cynic in you that will be noted heavily on GSAT's.
The term "local" is far too vague. I would say the crowd is more Florida skewed but that does not necessitate local. Despicable Me WILL get a long wait, cut and dry. Simpsons tended to get a long wait in 2008 and 2009. Any attraction that can get extremely terrified people out of the "Horror" will get a long wait, and considering Despicable Me is the most kid friendly, can give the biggest escape, and is the newest attraction it definitely will get a long wait.

The doll is all but confirmed for the Victorian House.

Some people might want to be cynical but the joint IP argument is kind of invalid. In 2007 Hollywood literally got all the same IP's that our event had. In 2009, Hollywood had a large number of the same IP's our event had. The houses at Orlando and Hollywood however were WAY different. You can search their event and clearly see that. The too much IP argument in it's self is invalid, in 2007 and in 2009 half if not more than half of the Orlando event was straight IP's. I don't know where this wave of cynicism has came from the HHN community, my only logical conclusion is the website which Universal has addressed is an issue via surveys.

The 2010 and 2011 events felt WAY too similarly to me personally. 2011's biggest improvement was house design and how clearly more money went into houses. However, streets clearly suffered. We have not had a well rounded event at HHN Orlando since 2008 or 2009 and now that we're getting what very likely could be a well rounded event with a healthy number of attractions open (5), 7 houses, scarezones AND hordes, and a potential 3 shows people are COMPLAINING. This boggles my mind. If there is a general consensus that this year is terrible please screen shot this and I will eat my words, but until then color me enthusiastic, I think this year Comcast is going to really shake up the formula.

Per the complaining, this is the main reason I have not jumped on the HHN forums on other sites this year. The sheer amount of complaining is crazy and it's so much worse on some other sites. HHN has the hardest fans to please. And it shows each and every year.
Per the complaining, this is the main reason I have not jumped on the HHN forums on other sites this year. The sheer amount of complaining is crazy and it's so much worse on some other sites. HHN has the hardest fans to please. And it shows each and every year.

It's AWFUL. This is the first year I've wandered over to sites detailing HHN, and they are the absolute WORST theme park fans. They don't know what they want, they flip flop every 5 seconds, and then end up being head over heels for the vent.
Per the complaining, this is the main reason I have not jumped on the HHN forums on other sites this year. The sheer amount of complaining is crazy and it's so much worse on some other sites. HHN has the hardest fans to please. And it shows each and every year.
Most of the complaining is because this event feels very 'sell-outish' to some of the hardcore fans...also the similarities between Hollywood and Orlando has a lot of people on edge seeing as how Hollywood and Orlando are on two different levels...I for one do not share these thoughts, I truly feel this year is going to have a nostalgic feel to it (which is never really a bad thing)...someone mentioned devolving, that is not necessarily true..imagine the 90's HHNs with the technology and budget of today..how terrifying..personally I don't feel like an icon is what makes the event good, yes it does add to the event but it is nothing more than something to splash onto a billboard and appease the fans..they are trying something new this year, it is risky and I like it..I am however somewhat dissapointed on a personal level with the website..I always liked the build-up..but Universal is doing the smart thing and using Facebook and Twitter heavily to tease us.
Ok, I took a serious look at the hint and it's very obvious.


But really, Legendary Truth in a Victorian House that is possessed by a Poltergiest (For those who had trouble) :lol: