Wow. So this was my first HHN ever and I scare so stinking easily so I was terrified. But what a great event it was! My cousin had her face buried in my shirt and ended up throwing me into a few walls...

But heres my review in order of rankings!
1.) Afterlife---This house was so beyond trippy and an insane amount of fun! The mirror room, vortex and first two scenes of the afterworld were incredible!! We ended up getting stuck in one room and the actors never stopped trying to scare us! They got us MULTIPLE times in that one room. The effects in this house made it so different and so unique; absolutely loved it.
2.) American Werewolf in London---There weren't a lot of scares in this one for me...Idk if it was bc it was during a change but there werent that many. But...when there were...they were good! The wolves were incredible!! The most life like puppets that I have ever seen. The transformation scene wasnt anything too, too special but it definitely added a lot to the story. Due to how loud it was I couldnt make out the narration but everything that they did really helped tell the story and it was one of the better houses when it came to storytelling.
3.) Cabin in the Woods--- This was the second to last house we did and it was definitely a thriller! The end sequences were the scariest of the night! Now, when I say scary it was due to the timing of the actors mixed with the screams/mixtape playing overhead. This was one of the houses that my cousin threw me into a wall lol. Definitely a cool house to walk through with some good scares!
4.) La Llorona---We ended up doing this house twice. Definitely a house full of scares! I loved the aesthetic beauty of it all and was definitely cool to look at. BUT...having seen the walkthrough of hollywood I felt we got robbed just a tad. For instance I was expecting the 2 huge puppets and was looking forward to those but they never came. So I was a little disappointed in that. The entrance to her realm was cool and original but everything after that didnt make much sense to me. The scenery didnt really change and I didnt know if we were back in the original realm orrr what. Though I have to admit the mirror effect with the children scared the mess out of me. Good house!
5.) Walking Dead--- Now the only reason this house was freaking scary for me was
1.) First house of the day (real jittery)
2.) It was unbelievably dark and LOUD
I mean every house was dark but all the other ones had some sort of supplemental lighting to go with it and this one did not. I could not see ANYTHING which then led to unseen walkers and lots of screaming lol. Now due to the two reasons I posted I didnt take in much scenery so the total effect of aesthetics did nothing for me. So looking back on this one it was scary but not as bad as I originally thought.
6.) Resident Evil---This house wasnt frightening at all. Like the only scare I got was at the very beginning when the cop and the zombie are roaming and that was because my cousin threw me into the zombie. lol. It was definitely one of those houses that I walked through and just looked at. The puppets were cool and the licker was definitely cool but this house was way overhyped. The pause room? Waste of a room. Terrible waste of space. But overall it was a nice break between houses.
7.) Havoc---We did this house at 6:45. The sun was out and so that means we saw EVERYTHING. Nothing was hidden and I saw every scare coming. Doesnt mean it didnt get me because they definitely got me

but had we come back and done it at night Im sure it wouldve been better but yeah this house lacked for me. Anti-climatic ending as well. (but I did have a handicapped guy in front of me in a powered wheelchair who was having trouble with the blinds to each room but whenever an actor interacted with him he would fight back

caused one of the actors to crack up in the middle of the scene)
8.) Evil Dead---N/A
Streets---The only streets I enjoyed walking through were the forest and clear. Other than that the streets did nothing. Someone else on here said that there is only so much you can do with zombies and they are not suited for the streets. Lame walking around and trying to scare people. At one point my cousin and i began to ask them if they had a minute to talk about Jesus
Bill and Ted---Definitely funny and had some great jabs at Disney. Those were my favorite parts

Funny show overall.
So it was definitely a great night and I will definitely be going back any year I can!