Been creeping this page since the beginning and this "snacks" thing is the one that caught my attention. With the word that needed to be removed, I'm gonna go with "IP". It's just an original mashup but not in the sense that Orlando's originals will be mashed up. What better place would you be able to get snacks? For one, you could possibly get them in a theater. Since there is an 80s theme this year, what better way to represent 80s films that AREN'T an IP is to have a B-movie/low budget monster maze. Given that I also visit users profiles on here, I couldn't help but notice that Legacy had the sentence, "Schlocky Horror Picture Show" in his profile. The term "schlock" means cheap or inferior, could "Snacks" be a mashup maze of schlock films? (Yes I know it's a play on word for Rocky Horror Picture Show)