My husband and I bought FFP+ with Express this year

I originally budgeted and saved for $500 a pass, so I was off a little bit but nothing we couldn't manage with one paycheck thankfully. So I was fine with it. However, this is because we have our annual pass (preferred) so we get the free parking. If we didn't... I MIGHT have opted for the Ultimate. Because while the Passes are a great value, that parking hurts. For context, in 2018 we did the FFP+ for the first time but didn't have annual passes and had to pay for parking each time - I think we wound up going 8 times? We started going together in 2011 when we first started dating (although my first year in general was 2007). But we would just go one night with Express... Except in 2015 we did standby and were able to do all but the Walking Dead House - which we had no interest in. Then in 2019 we just opted for the FFP (but we had annual passes by this point) and I started regretting not being able to go on Friday's. Mostly so we could stay until close without having to worry about being up early for work the next day lol I'll also add we are super spoiled and live maybe 15-20 minutes from Universal too. So we have the luxury, and capability, to go every week, heck or day our pass lets us, if we so desire lol. The first weekend we're attending both nights because we booked a hotel - our honeymoon in May of 2020 to London and Barcelona was canceled so I justified going more all out for Horror Nights this year for that reason. And for the fact that last year was canceled and just propelled me into a further depression lol But I know after the first weekend we'll go at least once a week, and multiple times again the final week because we're taking the week off from work.