Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 86 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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This holds true until a conservative, or heaven forbid a conservative woman, creates something that's featured at HHN

Then ya'll are out for blood
I'm just saying, if Billie came out again Universal Healthcare or something else, ya'll would be real quiet lol
These comments have stuck in my craw. I didn’t necessarily want to take this bait, but I feel obligated to.

There is universe of difference between a response to a political stance and response because of gender, orientation, ethnicity. One is a variable belief, centered entirely around an individual decision to take that stance. It’s grounded in choice, and choices have consequences. Those consequences are especially true when these individual choices of belief are centered around actions that activity oppose the other side of the spectrum.

The other side is an immutable aspect of who a person is. People don’t choose their gender (or that they’re transgender), their orientation, or their ethnicity. A person doesn’t choose which country they’re born in or if they’re born into poverty. Those are just factual components of who the ARE. The only choice—when it’s possible—in those things is personal acceptance and a pronouncement of those elements of themselves. And there should never be a consequence for that because the only choice, internally, is be themselves and happy or lie and be miserable. Imposing hardships because of those things is nothing more than cruel harshness.

The recent backlash against JK Rowling isn’t because she’s a woman. It’s because she is continuously choosing to advocate beliefs and policies that harm who transgender people ARE. That isn’t to say there hasn’t been misogyny-rooted criticism against JK. I’m sure there has. But the difference in consequences due to a public stance and and pushback because of what a person is is obviously, unless willful ignorance is involved.

EDIT - The one middle ground is religion. That is choice that keys into personal self. It’s the only mutable “are” component of a person.
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These comments have stuck in my craw. I didn’t necessarily want to take this bait, but I feel obligated to.

There is universe of difference between a response to a political stance and response because of gender, orientation, ethnicity. One is a variable belief, centered entirely around an individual decision to take that stance. It’s grounded in choice, and choices have consequences. Those consequences are especially true when these individual choices of belief are centered around actions that activity oppose the other side of the spectrum.

The other side is an immutable aspect of who a person is. People don’t choose their gender (or that they’re transgender), their orientation, or their ethnicity. A person doesn’t choose which country they’re born in or if they’re born into poverty. Those are just factual components of who the ARE. The only choice—when it’s possible—in those things is personal acceptance and a pronouncement of those elements of themselves. And there should never be a consequence for that because the only choice, internally, is be themselves and happy or lie and be miserable. Imposing hardships because of those things is nothing more than cruel harshness.

The recent backlash against JK Rowling isn’t because she’s a woman. It’s because she is continuously choosing to advocate beliefs and policies that harm who transgender people ARE. That isn’t to say there hasn’t been misogyny-rooted criticism against JK. I’m sure there has. But the difference in consequences due to a public stance and and pushback because of what a person is is obviously, unless willful ignorance is involved.

EDIT - The one middle ground is religion. That is choice that keys into personal self. It’s the only mutable “are” component of a person.
While I disagree with many points here - we've moved on
Well, I certainly picked quite the day to go spend at Disney Springs lol...I’m gonna apologize in advance if these comments are a little discombobulated.

@shiekra38 I think @Legacy put it perfectly, to be conservative or liberal is a choice—being born a woman is not. The harassment we receive just for existing in the space of men is not a choice. There are many women who’s political choices I disagree with, but, at the end of the day I would stand up and fight against misogynistic comments towards them because they’re not choosing to receive those kind of comments. So, to say that people wouldn’t care if Billie was a conservative is wrong.

@Neo while the discussion absolutely deserves to have a much bigger spotlight on it, believe it or not, your suggestion that the topic can trickle down here has already happened—and it didn’t end well. On another HHN website I’ve seen a moderator make a joke of the Me Too movement when that was front and center in the news, so, as much as it sucks to say—I don’t trust the men of the HHN community to deal with a trickle down conversation regarding the effects of misogyny well. I think it should come from the women that are ok with standing up and talking about it, and the men that are willing to stand up and support them. The conversation is relevant so long as misogyny still continues to exist, and, it still exists in the HHN community.

I hope that covered some concerns somewhat well.
Well, I certainly picked quite the day to go spend at Disney Springs lol...I’m gonna apologize in advance if these comments are a little discombobulated.

@shiekra38 I think @Legacy put it perfectly, to be conservative or liberal is a choice—being born a woman is not. The harassment we receive just for existing in the space of men is not a choice. There are many women who’s political choices I disagree with, but, at the end of the day I would stand up and fight against misogynistic comments towards them because they’re not choosing to receive those kind of comments. So, to say that people wouldn’t care if Billie was a conservative is wrong.
Perhaps I'm wrong in my viewpoint or too far into the weeds on a particular issue (I have been arguing on Twitter a lot today and am particularly cranky lol). I'm willing to accept being wrong, you all brought up some good points to the contrary.

To @Neo 's point, I think we can do our part by challenging it when we see it rather than just rolling our eye's and ignoring it. I think we all agree that sexism is deeply rooted in the horror industry, and you can't deny they amount of men that are given creative role's and tasked with storytelling.

That will obviously drive the stories you tell and the voices you hear.
The horror genre has actually always been very progressive when it comes to inclusion of female creators. At least when compared with the rest of Hollywood.

The haunt industry is probably a different story.
Only because boobs is one third of the magic trifecta, blood and guts being the other two. There are some, pardon the pun, HORROR stories about being a woman in the horror industry.
The horror genre has actually always been very progressive when it comes to inclusion of female creators. At least when compared with the rest of Hollywood.

The haunt industry is probably a different story.

I’ve always loved watching horror films, but, personally I’ve never been able to pretend they’re kind to my gender because while they’re famous for the final girl trope that trope comes with a catch, and it is virginity. While the horror genre employs many women, historically the cost is at their exploitation when their characters are anything other than completely pure.
Only because boobs is one third of the magic trifecta, blood and guts being the other two. There are some, pardon the pun, HORROR stories about being a woman in the horror industry.

I do believe that it is very possible to have a decidedly non-sexualized female presence in horror. Heck, to extend on what A was talking about with Chance, most of the time with horror I find the dark, brooding paranormal figure more appealing than the super sexualized Harley Quinn-esque psycho.
I do believe that it is very possible to have a decidedly non-sexualized female presence in horror.
I'm talking about historically. We're very much in agreement that it doesn't HAVE to be that way, and from say Ginger Snaps forward, things are moving in a very positive direction.
While the horror genre employs many women, historically the cost is at their exploitation when their characters are anything other than completely pure.

Point there, but I was referencing more below the line, and behind the camera roles.

Even films traditionally seen as overly sexed up had female creators behind them. (Slumber Party Massacre is a prime example).
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I was genuinely bummed out when someone here said that Billie's house got cut; that was the one I was looking forward to the most. I'm personally not a fan of her music, but her music videos were really good and could've provided a different experience for a house with her aesthetic.

Edit: My Strange Addiction, No Time to Die and Bad Guy is on my Spotify Wrapped. I guess I am a fan.
Yah it’s kind of difficult when I’m sifting through them trying to see if there’s any actually spec talk. I don’t think it’s ridiculous for me to want to see discussion related to the name of this thread.
I must be the only one who can see a comment doesn't interest me and move on. I don't mean to be mean, but come on.
Yah it’s kind of difficult when I’m sifting through them trying to see if there’s any actually spec talk. I don’t think it’s ridiculous for me to want to see discussion related to the name of this thread.

I'm sorry, but I think it is fair to say that if you want to participate in our community, you need to be willing to listen and engage in these difficult conversations. Trying to dismiss these concerns or move on because it's an inconvenience to you is a substantial part of the problem.
Yah it’s kind of difficult when I’m sifting through them trying to see if there’s any actually spec talk. I don’t think it’s ridiculous for me to want to see discussion related to the name of this thread.

So sorry that your theme park browsing has been interrupted by important and necessary dialogue regarding deep-rooted misogyny.

Read the posts - you might learn something.
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