Thought I give y’all my take of the first clue. Legacy said he is using an animated show that is a bit old school, so it isn’t American Dad cause that’s a 2000’s show, and there are no zeros on it. I’m thinking the 90’s like The Simpsons or Batman The Animated Series.
If we all treat the numbers as a season and episode like Season 4, Episode 8 as an example, then it could be a possible contender. For The Simpsons, this would lead to an episode called "New Kid on the Block" (aired November 12, 1992) that ties into a particular IP.
With numbers like 9, 3, 7, and 8 heavily featured, Legacy could be hinting at something released in the 90s. The lack of zeros does suggest it might be something from the decade. It could be 1993, 1997, or 1998. He could be hinting at combining the numbers for a date, like let’s say 9/7/93 or 8/3/1997, to reference the release of a specific episode, series, or event.