Things I liked:
Where the Starks ended up (Except Bran). It made sense for all of them.
50/50 on this. Fine with Sansa becoming Queen of the North.
Fine with the visuals of Jon--could have earned a lot more points with me had Tyrion said "exiled to the Free Folk" rather than "the Night's Watch" (lampshading a plot hole--"Does the Nights Watch even exist any more?"--doesn't make it less of a plot hole). Also would've helped to have a 2-minute scene in Winterfell where Sansa offers to pardon him as far as the North is concerned, only to have Jon choose to join the Wildings.
Arya was out of left field. As the personification of death, she should have died last week. Was foreshadowed by the Hound earlier on, and that last scene just screamed symbolism. I get they are going for a Chinese mythology thing here, but where did the Starks get a boat? Who is crewing this suicide voyage? Worst kind of fan service, keeping a character alive because fans will cry online. And Jon got a good-bye with Snow, she didn't feel a need to seek out Nymeria?
Bran. What. In. Seven. Hells??? Did they forget to include a scene where he lost his magic? Which, why would he? Zero foreshadowing in book or show. Completely out -of-character. Not even fan service, just a twist for the sake of metaphorically screaming "What a twist!" at the audience.
Jon killing Dany, when he realized her views are a little skewed.
Tyrion remains to be the best thing of the show this season.. and the scene finding Jaime and Cersei under the rubble, then showing up and defying Dany afterward was fantastic.That's it.
Agreed on this. The Jon/Dani scene was rushed, but outside of context, it was actually really well done. I also enjoyed Brienne's two final scenes, especially the one with the White Book. To the show's credit, there were some beautiful visuals as well (thinking the scene with Drogon behind Dani). And Bronn upjumping from a sellsword to the Lord of Coin was a funny bit of fan service, even if the scene went on too long.