You're gonna have to wait in some lines. The question is how long. From what I've seen in my first 3 trips here's what I'd suggest. I'm coming this Thursday too with friends who are only coming once so this is what I'm gonna try with them too.
1.Gates open at 6:30pm, bullcrap, they will be open at 5:45 or 6pm at the latest, be there early and through the metal detectors before that.
2. I'd go straight to Saw first, that line gets long fast and never goes down. From there I would go to Spawning, Chucky, and Silver Screams. The line for Chucky gets crazy the later the night goes and the posted wait time of 45 minutes was actually over 2 hours-trust me I know this because I stood in the damn thing. Plus don't waste time in the scarezones while it's light outside, they are soooo much better in the dark!!
3. Depending on what time it is you may want to catch Bill and Ted. I am not a Rocky Horror fan so I skip that, to each his own though.
4. At this point the main crowds will have passed the soundstage houses and are amassing towards Saw. I would go through cirque du freak, Horrorwood Die In, Chainsaws, Containment, and then into Wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstein.
5. After that check out War of the living dead, Apocalypse if you want to waste your time, then head to Leave it to Cleaver. Cleaver seems to have the shortest overall wait times and really only is bad right after the Rocky Horror show lets out since it's right next to the entrance.
I'll be wearing a black Ghostbusters shirt (yep, I'm a nerd, lol), and more than likely have beer in hand, ha! Feel free to come say hello or hang out with our rowdy crowd!
If anyone else has other gameplan ideas please share!