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HHN 2024: News & Info

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I think the economy could be one more thing adding to the pile this year. It's not so bad that people can't go to any haunts, but it is in a place where people will be more selective. When you add in a lackluster IP lineup, overcrowding and ops that mandated you get express or RIP if you wanted to see everything the last few years, middling reviews from preview night, and plenty of other options in the area, I can see why attendance would be down. But we won't really know for sure until next weekend. Still might just be the heat.
Sunday night was dead due to the heat. That part isn’t complicated.

The rest is a combination of several factors - general public limiting or reallocating leisure spending, HHN prices finally finding their upper limit, and relatively less popular IPs.
We will see this weekend

If this weekend is not packed with sale tickets, 80 degree and under weather, and people saying the event is great because no lines....then its other factors.

I think we on this site for the most part all budget or go to these parks because we are the biggest fans..but I will bring up again I see economy reports are many can't do much more then pay rent and eat at home. Its a factor for sure, the more money people have the dumber they can spend it but if your in debt already and can barley get back in CA on your 20ish dollar hourly job then going to an event like this is out of the picture for many people
Did anyone here go in 2009 when the economy was at its absolute worst? The event was packed to the gills. I’ll blame the heat and literally every other possible factor before I blame the economy for this weekend lol
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Did anyone here go in 2009 when the economy was at its absolute worst? The event was packed to the gills. I’ll blame the heat and literally every other possible factor before I blame the economy for this weekend lol
Yeah, the crash was bad for many people

But Covid has also changed a lot

Until we get two more weekends of data this is mostly speculation

And I'll be going those two weeks and will report back what I see but USH thought they would have more people, for example in the Insidious line people had to cross many ropes to get to the merch stands/drink......and it was 5 rope rows away from where we were standing...people had to cross over a lot to even buy things because of the placement of merch in lines
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We're seeing softening demand on every aspect of domestic travel, including airline purchases and hotel bookings. People with money are continuing to travel, especially internationally, but others are dramatically cutting back on discretionary spending — especially compared to 2021 and 2022 when many people had money to burn in a way that they never did before (and likely never will again).

It's too early to do anything but confirm your priors. Let's see how the rest of the event goes before drawing any major conclusions.
I've only gone to Orlando's event so this is me on the outside looking in, but aren't 100+ minute waits uncommon for Hollywood? Last year my TikTok and Twitter feeds from the event were showcasing more of the crowds and lines with all the comments agreeing, and judging by that alone I can see why the general public may be seeking other options