We decided to re-watch the original Dusk til Dawn movie last night (tried to watch the series but couldn't find it). Usually after watching the movies associated with the houses I get way more pumped up seeing what all can be incorporated, but this time I'm just not sure how it can work. There are a few scenes that should definitely be in the house including the band, the vampires staked to the table, Sex Machine and his gun, Capt Vietnam, and preferably Tarentino getting staked.
I don't know how they can pull off the bar without having the sign at the entrance (please nothing before they get there) unless half of it is broken apart or something. The bar itself is wide open so it will be interesting to see what they can do with that. One thing is that I feel like this may feel somewhat repetitive with Walking Dead, these vampires are basically zombies with a few minor changes.
I think this house could go either way hopefully it will be awesome. I'd really like to see the series too but it doesn't seem to be streaming on anything.