I'll copy-paste what I posted in that thread.
I don't think anyone is saying A&D, specifically, is lazy... in fact, most detractors are commenting that they know this isn't A&D's fault, and that they did fight to avoid this (as Kim confirms here). We're upset at the people a tier up - the marketeers, the executives, the decision makers, not A&D themselves. Again, what Kim doesn't acknowledge is that this goes way beyond a more casual reliance on property-based houses... it's the entire degradation of the event, from scare quality to crowd control to prices to reduced offerings to reduced cast sizes. IP houses executed well (like Evil Dead and AWIL) are great - a great house is a great house. The past couple years, HHN hasn't been turning out consistently great houses. Hell, even AWIL and Evil Dead had a LOT of problems people aren't willing to acknowledge - possibly because they don't know any better, or because they don't want to.
You stay at #1 because you have a reputation for being the best, at one point. Right now, in terms of overall event quality, HHN is not the best, at all (Howl-O-Scream and HHN Hollywood are doing much better in terms of the corporate mega haunt arena). Kim clearly has a lot of loyalty to his team despite his departure, and I don't blame him for defending them so vigorously... but he needs to fully understand the argument the fans are making. There are clearly a lot of decision and budgetary issues plaguing A&D's ability to turn out their best work. We're complaining in an effort to change that, not to bash A&D.