All I can say is
oof if I’m talking about my run yesterday.
- The librarian scare wasn’t there (not close to a cast change, just a hole).
- The first physical Slimer (after seeing the Pepper’s Ghost version) wasn’t there.
- Ray was in that hallway, but very sparse on his scaring. I actually said out loud, “oh, he’s gone, too?” and he stepped out of his boo hole just a little to stamp his foot at me as a startle tactic and went back in. Yikes.
- The hand-on-the-wall effect has been off for quite some time, but usually I’ve seen it in the setting where the hand is fully extended but stationary. There was no hand there last night, as if the effect were just abandoned.
- No Winston, at least in Cast B.
- Forgive me for drawing a blank, but the white ghost scare that’s a large pop-up puppet right after the stilt scare either wasn’t working or was very few and far between with its scares. I didn’t see it go off or even be in the process of resetting.
- The final Slimer wasn’t present for me at all, though the guest behind me did see him for a split second.
If I were to say anything about that run, it felt like the cast lost its steam entirely. Cast B Venkman did wave, stop for a second, and point at me again, so I think he recognized me, while Janine directed her dialogue to me and asked if I was picking up or dropping off, so that was nice. The rest of the cast, though, felt like they weren’t that interested in setting off their scare, if it even worked. It’s something. Still love the house, but yikes.
Can’t say what that was referring to, but that thing was gone from the house as of last night. Just Scoleri now.