Looking at the prices, ya'll are lucky I'm not in charge of the financing. This is, honestly, how I would price it.
Rush of Fear : $309.99 ($239.99)
Rush of Fear Express : $449.99 ($344.99)
The first 17 Event Nights
Frequent Fear : $399.99 ($374.99)
Frequent Fear Express : $549.99 ($489.99)
EVERY Sunday-Thursday event night PLUS the first two weekends and the last Friday event night.
Frequent Fear Plus : $649.99 (No AP Discount)
Frequent Fear Plus Express : $799.99 (No AP Discount)
All Sundays-Fridays, the first two nights and the last Saturday. Includes parking.
Ultimate Frequent Fear : $899.99 (No AP Discount)
Ultimate Frequent Fear Express : $999.99 (No AP Discount)