I actually have a very good reason as to why "The Conjuring" will coming to the event. So going back to December we had this photo teaser of what's coming to the event. Now me being crazy I counted all the letters from this year's rumored lineup being (Not including TWD): "The Exorcist"(Confirmed), "Krampus", "Freddy Vs Jason ", "American Horror Story", "The Conjuring", and "Halloween 2". But it all fits looking at the letters this probably not letters of the full maze lineup because in this there are letters disappearing when counting the letters from the rumored lineup. For example there are 15 A's in this photo but when counting from the rumored lineup there is 5 A's. Now looking at the very bottom there are 2 J's and when counting the J's from the rumored lineup there are two. One in Freddy Vs "J"ason and one in The Con"J"uring. So that's my speculation on how the conjuring could be coming to the event.