It's a nice video, but I too have to disagree with the "Strongest House Line Up". I know it's one's opinion, but there's far too much going against that for it to hold weight.
- The Black Spot, which has been terrible from year one. It doesn't help it replaced DeadFall which was solid each year, but shockingly was replaced by this dud early in it's lifespan.
- Unearthed, which hasn't been on fire like it's first year...and there's a good amount of people who aren't fond of the changes this year.
- Simon's Slaughterhouse, which is a whiff in more ways then one. Not just the house itself, but also the stigmata of the "17+ recommended" warning which everyone is still trying to figure out why it has that.
An that's half of the houses, unless your event has been consistently not very good, you can't have the Strongest House Lineup with half the houses being duds. This isn't even getting into the fact that people who've enjoyed the event for years are admitting the event has been slipping, and they haven't made any truly awesome houses since DWB and Motel Hell. (Which is a factor on both of those houses still being the best the past several years.)