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Inside Universal Feedback

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
Just wanted to get some overall feedback from you guys about the site and its forums. Put simply:

What has Inside Universal meant to you? How has it impacted your life?

Has it helped with planning vacations? Knowledge of the Resort? Create lasting bonds and friendships? Whatever the case - we want to hear from you!

Thanks for your time.
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*Knowledge of the Universal resort & the back room happenings are the most important to me. Basically, after a few years on the site, I have no need of a touring plan, maps, guidebooks etc. I can just wing it, anytime I want. And that maximizes my vacation time and allows me to have the most entertaining, relaxing and leisurely vacation possible. And, as an added bonus, we've made some really good friendships in Orlando and the UK, and we socialize whenever we get an opportunity. .
I value these forums quite a bit. I have friends in my personal life who are theme park fans, but I would never subject them to the amount of discussion that goes on around here, so I'm glad I have an outlet for that, shared with others who are truly passionate - and opinionated! - about the subject.

I feel like I've learned a lot from my fellow members, and the differing views shared on any given park or ride have really made me better able to articulate my own feelings.
I came here almost 7 years ago because Universal was finally capturing my attention a bit from Disney and among all of the online theme park forums, this was one of the only active places to discuss Universal.

It's sort of like a nerd relief in a way too... the platform and community lets me let all of my thoughts out on the goings on and I know there will be knowledgeable conversation about the subject as opposed to if I talk to a friend who likes Universal, but could care less about the nerdy aspects and what the future holds.
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I started posting here (instead of some other sites) because it seemed to be a more welcoming community with a more manageable flow of discussion.

Sure, "insider" info was a bit of an additional draw, but it was more that I felt there was a vibe here that worked for me.
For me, this site was the continuation of IOACentral, which is the first forum I ever joined (and the only one I was ever very active on). I think that IU took what IOAC did well and really built on it. While I don’t post all that much here, I really like the feeling of community. Sure, these forums deal with some of the same issues that others do, but to a much lesser extent. On top of those feel-good reasons, this is absolutely the place to find dependable inside info about the goings-on at Universal, and the insiders here are such great, humble folks. Theme parks are one of my greatest loves, and IU is the only site that I visit regularly.
I come here because the forums are one-stop shopping for any and all Universal buzz. I love reading about what's going on with ALL of the Universal destinations, and I really appreciate how coverage has been slowly increasing on the international parks. I tend to just skim when news gets slow and things devolve into endless debate, but when there are things actually going on it's really fun to engage here.
I love that there is discussion here (fairly unbiased) about all the Orlando parks and not just Disney. There are far too many Disney sites that treat Universal and SeaWorld like second class destinations because they aren't Disney, but here they all get a fair shake.
I joined here 7 years ago because of the amazing construction updates and discussion of WWoHP (rip Gatorade bottle, gone too soon). And I stayed because it was an awesome community dedicated to all Orlando parks. Top notch insider info, unmatched construction updates, great discussion, and wonderful staff. I tried looking at a few other forums, but quickly realized this was the only one that felt right to me. The members here genuinely care about the craft of theme parks and are critical of the parks when they can do better, but also very aware of the inner workings and the limitations of the business. I never knew there was so much I didn’t know about theme parks, and - as someone who may want to work in this industry - I’ve done an incredible amount of learning and growing in this community. I’ve gained so much education about bridging the gaps between public demand, corporate fiscality, and creative integrity. And that’s all thanks to the humble, respectful, and knowledgeable members and staff that you find here.

Also, it’s just kept me involved with the parks, which I haven’t visited in about 6 years. And the abundance of wisdom you find in these threads will very much come in handy when I finally make my way back to Orlando this year :dance:
Man, I freaking love this forum.

Been annual Orlando visitors for a few years and have used many forums and blogs to put together plans each year. This is the only forum that I not only feel comfortable about, but even care to post to. The other ones all get into in-fights, and informative threads often get hi-jacked into two or three people wasting three pages at a time.

I love that you posted the "Recent Debates"/how can we do better thread. I've posted to a few newcomers that this is easily the most civilized theme park board ever. And it is. Mods usually do a good job, and regular posters all seem to get along.

Here's the best thing: no one is here to argue, and we all love drinking beers while enjoying them parks!:cheers:
I love that you posted the "Recent Debates"/how can we do better thread. I've posted to a few newcomers that this is easily the most civilized theme park board ever. And it is. Mods usually do a good job, and regular posters all seem to get along.

To open oneself up to criticism and answer to decisions is hard. I've had to do one of the hardest questions of my own personality and decisions this spring and it was brutal. I appreciate you like our feedback thread and more. It does mean the world that we can discuss a direction without being pandering or dismissive.
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It is the first thing I read when I wake up, and the last before bed. It keeps me connected to Universal all the way up here in Chicago. I don’t know what I’d do without these forums; everyone is so comprehensive, knowledgeable, and for the most part respectful. I’ve learned a ton on how rides and parks are designed and built and it gave me a huge appreciation when I went to see Diagon the first time.

I also think this is a form of guerilla marketing in a way. Being so informed helps build that “cult” like atmosphere and makes me want to go to the parks.
Prior to this year, the last time I've been to USH was for the '08 HHN. I decided to get passes for the family this year. Wow! So much has changed in the last 10 years. It just triggered so much nostalgia that I spent countless hours looking up all the changes USH has gone through since I was a kid and even its history from the beginning. I remember the days of KITT, the big hand, the big rotary phone, the hanging Jaws, etc. Between this site and thestudiotour, I get to relive the past and look forward to the future from the amazing insiders and community members. Thank you to all who contribute to this great forum!
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I really love this place.

I feel like I’m a level below being a “regular.” I post in spurts, but I’ve racked up a decent number of posts over the years. I’ve had back and forths with most of the regulars and posted in all the threads basically. I’ve had a PM or two with Brian as well.

I originally came here because it was the only Universal-centric forum I knew about. During Potter construction, I had already loved the resort and was ridiculously excited for Hogsmeade. This was the only place talking about it.

I stayed because I loved the discussion around all theme parks in Orlando and the people here are awesome. (Side note: how is it that so many forums about theme parks have gotten so toxic?)

The forum has given me a ton of insight into the newer parts of the resort. I haven’t learned that much about Toon Lagoon from the forums because there’s no real need to discuss it. The land has been the same since it opened and that time was way before I was involved in the theme park community.

As for vacation questions, I’ve posted a couple very specific questions on vacation prep over the years. That’s where the forum’s planning advice shines. If I wanted comprehensive vacation advice, I’d go elsewhere just because there’s been an unholy amount of guides written throughout the internet.
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