WHAT!? .....it better be removed as in removed for repairs for its big returning debut!? I surely hope the success of JW has lit the fire under their butts to repair & restore JPRA.... the falling jeep is what makes the USH version of the ride superior to the other 2 versions (Singapore's doesn't count due to being a different ride type)... well okay, a few other things make this one superior too, but that isn't the point haha..
That's very interesting news....
Okay... so I just pulled up 3 videos on youtube that were uploaded within the past 2 days... all 2 of the 3 videos could see the jeep hanging on the wall, the 3rd video didn't show the wall <_< Obviously, these videos could've been filmed pre-July 11th...
Someone go run up to the park and ride it so we know for sure... you'll get a wookie cookie if you do. (and yes, they're a little chewie)...
You'd think there would be a pic of this or am I the only one that still rides JPRA? haha