You say that like its a bad thing Ryan!

And lets be realistic, this is USH, they're cheap... instead of a Chris Pratt figure, they'll just have him film a few queue video segments to play on the queue screens lol
Too be fair, the non-POTC film animatronics are not exactly very advanced compared to the dinos.
As for whatever the hell they are doing with JPRA... I do agree the dinos need some major love. It'd also be nice to see sparks again in the raptor containment fence. Honestly, as I have said before, I don't care if they're static figures, the two raptors they add to the empty area on the right before the big drop are something that should be permanent. Oh and please, for the love of god.. HIDE THE DAMN MECHANISM & WIRES FOR THE T-REX!!!! It is so awful being able to see that stuff. I mean, sure, I find it fascinating, but that is what a behind the scenes look/walkthrough of the ride is for.
It'd make sense that they'd want JPRA looking great 2 days before Potter grand opens, but that is cutting it a little close. Curious to see what all they do to this ride because it seems like they don't invest enough money into it like they should.