Saw it last Sunday and I would describe it as fine.
I like it better than the Blumhouse show for length alone, but with Purge being improved this year this is definitely the weaker of the two. There's novelty to seeing a Chucky puppet operated live in front of you even if it's a very simple one, but its super obvious that the puppeteer's room to actually do improv is about as restricted as the puppet's movement. Even disregarding Insult Emporium tier edgy/offensive comedy, it just feels really clean in a way that doesn't fit Chucky, especially when the TV show prides itself on having 10 F bombs alloted per episode. Would've been a funnier joke for Chucky even if they just gave the puppeteer some kind of trigger to bleep themselves out like the maze bleeped itself last year.
The lack of background music during the whole thing is also just kinda really distracting, it makes the empty spaces so much more apparent. Would've also been fun to have the ending be something as simple as a knife popping out of the Q&A guy's chest along with the video, since that's a pretty basic stagecraft gag and having literally any kind of practical action or feeling of stakes would really bring the energy up. Maybe have the Q&A thing be for the first half, the guy dies, and the second half is Chucky taking the show off the rails out of frustration for being so sanitized, idk.