Here's some of the things from the new image labeled, from what I understand anyway. (I think this is what
@AlexanderMBush was trying to do, but had CPU issues with the image.)
I didn't go into much detail since this image doesn't show much detail. (Hopefully when we get better images someday, we can see where the individual elements of SML are actually located within SNW.)
View attachment 5894
Going from Left-Bottom around in a clockwise fashion:
Light Green: Pipe entrance
(elevator in darker green next to pipe)
Brown: Layered landscape area blocking Nintendo World
Dark Blue: Outline of Mushroom Kingdom and Yoshi area
Red: Mario Kart show building
Light Blue: Water drainage
(I think)
Green: Donkey Kong show building
(does not include covered queue or outside track elements.)
Dark Green: DK support building/maintenance
(I think)
Purple: Jungle facade blocking backstage areas
Orange: Employee access road
Pink: Security building