Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 43 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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Disney getting rid of Dinosaur would be like Universal getting rid of Spiderman :boxing:
Disney getting rid of Dinosaur would be like Universal getting rid of Spiderman :boxing:

Ehhhhhhhh. Spider-man is on a whole different plane than Dinosaur. Dino is a pretender Indiana Jones. Spider-man changed the game of dark rides.

Dinosaur is the best ride at Animal Kingdom, getting rid of it would be super foolish.

The Safaris GREATLY disagrees with Dino being the best ride in DAK.
I tend to enjoy more thrilling dark rides then rides where you are out in the hot sun to look at animals sleeping. But considering your name is Jungle SKip and you have a Jungle Cruise Avatar I have a feeling you may be biased in another direction...
Ehhhhhhhh. Spider-man is on a whole different plane than Dinosaur. Dino is a pretender Indiana Jones. Spider-man changed the game of dark rides.

The Safaris GREATLY disagrees with Dino being the best ride in DAK.

You were a alleged rivalry between Kilimanjaro drivers and Jungle Cruise skippers true? I've always heard as much... something about like wardrobe and fake VS real animals.
Ehhhhhhhh. Spider-man is on a whole different plane than Dinosaur. Dino is a pretender Indiana Jones. Spider-man changed the game of dark rides.

Now you really think I would compare Spiderman to Dinosaur in terms of quality, innovation, or overall experience??? Come on now! I merely am saying removing that level ( eticket) of attraction would be the same as removing Spiderman from IOA. Not comparing the actual attractions so to speak, just comparing how important the attraction is to its park.
Now you really think I would compare Spiderman to Dinosaur in terms of quality, innovation, or overall experience??? Come on now! I merely am saying removing that level ( eticket) of attraction would be the same as removing Spiderman from IOA. Not comparing the actual attractions so to speak, just comparing how important the attraction is to its park.

I get what you're saying. I think it's a fair point. Adding Avatar or any E-Ticket does nothing to help the park if you take one away to do it.
Now you really think I would compare Spiderman to Dinosaur in terms of quality, innovation, or overall experience??? Come on now! I merely am saying removing that level ( eticket) of attraction would be the same as removing Spiderman from IOA. Not comparing the actual attractions so to speak, just comparing how important the attraction is to its park.

Eh, I guess. I think I'd rank Dino's importance closer to something like Dudley or JP, but yea, I get what you mean.

Dinosaur is like 45% empty space.

I really enjoy Dinosaur for what it is but after riding Indiana Jones for the first time this past October you just can't compare the two. Pitch black empty forest vs entire themed temple with multiple levels of effects?
What? Could you please explain what you attempted to mean by your above statement? I don't comprehend it.

You could have just said, "what?" It's kind of an all-encompassing term that tends to alleviate redundancies. :p


Dinosaur is like 45% empty space.

I think that they meant was that it is easier to create a believable setting in an old temple than one in prehistoric times simply because we can actually visit temples and tombs (as many of us have). Not so much with living dinosaurs (unless Lucky counts). Assuming that's what they meant, I tend to agree. In Dinosaur, there is a lot of empty space, true, but it is deliberate and, ironic as it sounds, functional. The abysmal blackness of the ride plays into people's fears of the unknown, which is appropriate considering the predicament they are in where anything can strike at any moment. It's definitely harder to suspend belief in a dinosaur setting than an ancient tomb and I thought it was handled superbly via darkness in Dinosaur. Again though, I could be completely misreading TheDecemberists.
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Dinosaur > Jurassic Park > Indiana Jones

Oh yes, I just went there! Everyone can hate on me all they want. A temple theme is a thousand times easier than a prehistoric jungle theme.

Just curious if you have personally rode Indiana Jones or if your basing this off of Youtube videos? I rode Dinosaur for the first time yesterday and although its a great ride it can't hold a candle to Indiana Jones. As with any ride videos you need to ride it to truely experiance how great it is. Videos do not do it justice.
I've only been on Dino. and I like the ride, but just looking at the photos I can tell Indy is a better ride.
Ehhhhhhhh. Spider-man is on a whole different plane than Dinosaur. Dino is a pretender Indiana Jones. Spider-man changed the game of dark rides.

The Safaris GREATLY disagrees with Dino being the best ride in DAK.

Dinosaur wasn't supposed to be a pretend Indiana Jones. Dinosaur was designed to be better and much more immersive, but budget cuts destroyed it, unfortunately.

Everest disagrees with both of those. What's your point?

Now you really think I would compare Spiderman to Dinosaur in terms of quality, innovation, or overall experience??? Come on now! I merely am saying removing that level ( eticket) of attraction would be the same as removing Spiderman from IOA. Not comparing the actual attractions so to speak, just comparing how important the attraction is to its park.

Yes, but would removing Spiderman to make way for a new E-ticket in a new themed land be that out of the question? Especially when the big wigs think that the new E-ticket and themed land will bring much more money into the resort?

You won't get any committal answers, per se from cast members, mostly because nobody knows anything about it.
Dinosaur and Jurassic Park better than Indy? No way. Dinosaur can't even touch two small moments in Indy... the moment where you swerve past the Gates of Doom and first enter the great temple room and you slowly descend as the music picks up, the pyro goes off and the bridge bulges under the weigh of the other car you're watching as they attempt to cross the bridge and you suddenly swerve to the left... and then when you come face-to-face with the boulder. Nothing in Dinosaur can hold a candle to those moments in Indy.
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