Liked it a lot more than I thought I would. That might be a generational thing. Felt very much like Pixar's take on a John Hughes teen film, almost an 80s period piece -- to a point a couple of 2010s Millennial tropes they slipped in for laughs felt anachronistically out-of-place.
The world here makes even less sense than in Cars, so if you could never get over "who built everything in Radiator Springs???", going to have a hard time with this movie. That said, the conceit allows them to pack the screen with nerdy in-jokes and Easter eggs. I almost want to go thru frame-by-frame to see them all. I'll neither confirm nor deny I wasted probably 100s of hours in my teens playing D&D rather than getting laid, but if you did -- yeah buddy, there's a ton to unpack here.
The climax is inspired visually. I liked the voice work on all the characters. And honestly appreciated that it's not another Pixar movie about the mixed emotions of becoming a new parent. Not Tier 1 Pixar, but definitely worth a watch. I think if it had had time to grow an audience over Spring Break and beyond, it would've proven a modest hit.