Reflections: A Disney Lakeside Lodge | Inside Universal Forums

Reflections: A Disney Lakeside Lodge

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Nov 23, 2013
Seattle, WA!
Disney has officially revealed the next major resort being developed, slated to open for 2022.

The new resort will be the 16th DVC property on the resort, as it's slated to have 900 rooms and multiple DVC Villa's.
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That "nature insipired" marketing BS is so people don't complain about ruining the natural landscape around Fort Wilderness for another hotel. And don't get me started on the "Walts love of nature" line. You're building a hotel that doesn't look special in anyway and you're trying to spin it as something new.
Another resort?
I just don't get Disney with their hotel design in this era. The Disney Hotels, have consistently been representations of idealized versions of lodging from different places in different eras (aside from value.) This looks incredibly modern, but not in a statement way. It's very "we built an apartment complex four years ago" modern. Not to mention that modern ideas aren't suitable for the wilderness, those two ideas clash. So, is this a resort being done on the cheap? Are they going the Universal route of "Inspired" hotels instead of themed hotels? This trend of making every resort look generic as possible is really saddening: Flying Fish got modernized and lacks 1920's charm, rooms at Yacht and Beach look like Holiday Inns and no longer represent "turn of the century" themes, Caribbean Beach removed practically all thematic elements from the food court and added a TS service restaurant with no real identity. Hotels at WDW are one of my favorite aspects about the property, sad to see what's happening.
If it was across from Contemporary MAYBE it would fit in. Between FW and WL? Not even close to the right look
Every resort is not going to look the same. Disney is building something inspired by the other hotels but that doesn’t mean a carbon copy. Look at the recent one built at HKDL it looks kind of similar.
It is just more modern touch on a lodge design but otherwise it fits better here than the Riviera next to CBR.
Then why not make it craftsman? Craftsman is literally the design style for contemporary,nature-based architecture. This is just completely uninspired. And the fact that they brought up Walt in the press release is such an obvious appeal to ethos, it's sad.
Then why not make it craftsman? Craftsman is literally the design style for contemporary,nature-based architecture. This is just completely uninspired. And the fact that they brought up Walt in the press release is such an obvious appeal to ethos, it's sad.
Look it seems like you have your mind made up on this resort. I’m looking at the reality of situation of what Disney has built the last couple of years and to me it’s fine. Some people would have wanted at Wilderness Lodge 2.0 but that era is done. Those type of designs are not coming back to WDW or any other park at this point.
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