Typed up a wish list:
- Hide the godforsaken Exit signs in some way, shape, or form.
- Hanging limbs in the first scene. We need that sense of dread and a disturbed/possessed film set. We also need something to cover that black ceiling. Just because it's painted black doesn't mean we can't see it. Completely enveloping the eye means full immersion.
- Updated Imhotep/Warning Dude. Jesus, if this is the only thing we get, I will be happy.
- Fix this: "Or refuse... *inaudible*"
- Better lighting/more effects in the turntable/launch scene. Making the mummy's face red flanked with fire within both eyes would be nice.
- No more cutouts. Ever. Instead, replace with projections and cloth screens. Universal has the money for more 4K's. Use it.
- Updated tomb/climax/ending scenes. Pretending like the ride is over just doesn't work for the story's flow, even if it were believable. Instead, use this moment as a climax. Afterwards, with the little time that's left in the ride, let us find a way to defeat Imhotep by acquiring the Magi in a way other than just flying past it. And PLEASE update the ending. Preferably to something like Singapore's, except more frightening. Make it look in the unloading zone as though the tomb is becoming the sound stage for the film set once more.
- Updated store. The ceiling should be themed to include lots of various props, and a large one could keep interest pointed upwards.