Well that is unfortunate that the soundtrack was removed from the queue... Is it now just entirely silent except for the noise of park guests talking over each other? Not having the soundtrack sort've takes away from the experience.. and considering the amount of effort they put into making the queue look amazing, it seems like an odd thing to do. Unless it will be getting new music.... maybe...
Speaking of the queue... specifically the extended overflow queue, its rather disappointing that they didn't make more of an effort to make the covered awning more "themed" instead of looking like an after thought attachment to the building. Granted, its better than the tarps... but still. I know its behind the building and not part of the main path, HOWEVER.... why not give the same attention to detail back there as well? Especially since, you know.. come next year, you'll be able to see it from Hippogriff (yes I know, coasters are high up & you see all the badness blah blah blah..) /end rant -_-