Went last night
So only the highest APs get in early...everyone else has to wait until 7 PM to enter the park meaning about 100+ people are in front of you buying the wrist bands (this is only on Thursday the weekend days the parks are open all day)
Walked on every maze but stangers things which took maybe 5-7 mins to get into
Veca was not lifting/moving in stranger things. But the Bushman in this house is the real MVP, great at hiding and getting scares
Trick R Treat didn't have the first Sam in the maze either times I went. The laser River effect was not working my first run
Also some effects were on tonight that were not on the last time I went, like a Werewolf projection in the woods area and right after that at the houses sam is now projected in one of the window's sometimes
Saw was great, both runs i did were basically fully staffed, its a really solid house.
Aftermath actors....really let loose on you if no one else is there. They will follow you into the next room/area. this is part of why, I think Fright Fest is a little more scary then HHN because actors not only can talk at you but also follow you longer and into second areas to me is unheard of at HHN in houses unless you count blumhouse as a house and even then they still have smaller areas they can travel compared to fright fest
Conjuring I got to see the first rooms show for the first time with annabelle, its cool through and actor running into the room as the lights dime and think you can scare lots of people real easily. On both runs I got the nun, one times she didn't come out until I walk closer...like I tried to give her room to come out and she waited for me to get closer. There are a few scares at the front of the house that Ive never seen staffed in person but in other people's videos but besides that I had two good runs
Vault 666-Sewers of souls and all the classic houses were fine-good. Vault 666 had someone that asked to buy my soul a few times in the house...so thank you for following me backstage and popping out at places that was great. Sewers of Souls the actors were having fun with me being the only person in the house and made sure the next room knew I was coming so they were ready to scare me. The other classic houses were good or fine with nothing to note.
The Alien Dance show near the front of the park has I guess three version, one is the dance show, one is a game show and they said someone's name...not sure if they are a DJ or what. But I watched some guests hula hop and the two best people won front of the line passes for their party (one ride) which is just fun. Also per this show the dance show starts at 7:30 PM and goes every hour after that...so 8:30 PM and so on.
Oz, Clown zone and the Pirates in the front of my favorite scarezones.
Lastly Here is a cool Trick R Treat T shirt I want, I might buy it by the end of the event (25 bucks)