Man a lot went down the few hours I've been away.
So I dug a little deeper by running googling the specific coaster type. It brought me in to a new Reddit thread and this is apparently a visual of what we're getting:
The riding position looks a little....interesting. Literally Tron but suspended. I don't know how our feet are going to rest as that's the biggest concern. If our legs are just gonna be hanging backwards, that might be a little uncomfortable.
But yeah, cat's out of the bag. I hope we get our Giga eventually (Like by the Olympics) but this looks fun!
EDIT TO ADD: I just realized that if there are no inversions, this could be the park's remedy for Ninja leaving: A suspended coaster that's not too extreme, but just thrilling enough for folks who don't want to be flipped upside down. I really hope they maximize that mountainous terriain.