Strange because while there is some overlap, I had many different experiences. FT, Goldrusher, WW, and Viper were all on 2 trains (didn't check many of the rest). And Drop of Doom was open. Riddler and Apocalypse were the single trains.
Revolution has been in single train ops for maybe a year or two--with a very brief exception where it was back to two trains for maybe about a week a few months ago. Not really sure why they can't get that one back to two reliably.
I've also noticed that Goliath does seem to go down semi-frequently anymore. It usually is back up in 30 min or so, but it is odd.
Scrambler has been gone since December. Why they keep getting rid of flat rides in a park that really needs them is beyond me. I get if it was old, but it doesn't seem like it'd be that had (nor expensive) to find another one to put in there.
I really, really hope a flat ride package is in the near future for this park. So many other SF parks have Nebulaz, Endeavours, Triokas (okay, those are old, but still), Tilt-a-Whirls, Breakdances, Teacups, etc... so the chain would already have experience with them.