The way I interpret the ride playing out scene by scene...
(And this is just guessing and intuition based on what's visible).
Leave main camp in truck, outside loop.
Enter temple, cave scene where you "rendezvous" with Kate and that flare is shot and the bat things fly out. Vehicle canopy takes damage to add holes for more visibility of screen later in ride.
Kate hops in vehicle, her sidekick guy is killed, and you and your driver and Kate make a run for it in the vehicle - up the hill...
...and into the main 360 screen. Dino attack and Kong fight much like Hollywood. Like the trams, your vehicle is knocked into the abyss ravine.
In the abyss ravine, Your driver meets their demise from whichever is their chosen bug monster. Kate's driving and Kong manage to save the vehicle.
Exit screen portion, scene with Kong AA (maybe Kong taking Kate) and you scoot away to safety back at the base camp.