Exactly, it's nice to be able to relax and enjoy a good theme park, rather than scrambling from line to line trying to cram everything in. We spent a week in WDW a few years ago, and that was perfect. We just strolled around at our leisure, and came back to rides the next day if the lines were more than 10 minutes. We are staying in one of the Universal Hotels, so the early access will be nice to see some of the HP stuff before the crowds get too big.
Although I've already seen most of the rides on Youtube, not thinking I'd actually ever get to go to Universal, no grainy and dim YouTube recording ever compares to the experience of the real thing. All that said, should I be lucky enough to see softs (probably not, but hey, I can dream), you won't get any spoilers from me.
On the topic of the Yeti, even just static with strobe lights (as I saw it), it was still very intimidating. It must have been terrifying to see in full motion. On the flipside, the Dinosaur ride was snoozeville for me, despite having equally massive AA. Not sure why that is. Maybe the speed factor being on a roller coaster?