Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion | Page 89 | Inside Universal Forums

Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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Unknown, the insider who often posts on OI, had a number of things to say about Kong today. They mostly mirror what Teebin & HTF have been saying for a long time. Unknown says that there will be a massive Kong at the final scene to the right of the RV. He said he heard that training will begin in Feb. and that there are murmurs of softs in May. He also alludes to scare actor types in his one reply to another poster. Unknown on the queue, "The queue is unlike any in the world. It will definitely be the scariest, creepiest, eeriest queue ever. I am almost nervous! You can expect to be very nervous in this queue. I would not want to get Express even if it's offered. It's (the queue) almost an attraction in!"
^ He's a hack and probably a TM or part of operations to potentially know when training begins. The teams at UC and Nassal and where ever wouldn't have a clue when training begins. They're reeeely busy and don't care! A&D or Entertainment might know, but even their knowledge of this attraction is limited, although Aiello probably knows lots but doesn't talk.

Yeah MD, all of that and far more has been posted here first.

(Gosh, I had to edit this post so so much because I was typing stuff I ought not. I need to watch my becoming riled...) :saywhat:
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The queue is the part that makes me nervous. Mainly for families. Even if the younger children are not riding they will still be in line for rider swap. This could be interesting. I mean for me I think scar-actors would be cool. To the general visitor this could be a Guest Services Nightmare. Unless they have a separate way to get to child swap and only the party riding minus one person (person with kids in child swap) wait in the actual line.
I feel like scare actors in line is a reeeeeeeeeeeally bad idea. People like scare actors at HHN because that's what they expect and pay to see. But on a normal attraction, (that isn't even a year round HHN house-type thing like USH and USJ have) it's literally guaranteed to be a guest service nightmare that will be pulled within weeks. Heck, I'm excited for this ride and I'm usually okay with rides that are scary... but things with actual scare actors such as HHN houses are a big fear of mine. For me at least, it would detract from my enjoyment. Especially if I saw any poor kids scared by one.
^ He's a hack and probably a TM or part of operations to potentially know when training begins. The teams at UC and Nassal and where ever wouldn't have a clue when training begins. They're reeeely busy and don't care! A&D or Entertainment might know, but even their knowledge of this attraction is limited, although Aiello probably knows lots but doesn't talk.

Yeah MD, all of that and far more has been posted here first.

(Gosh, I had to edit this post so so much because I was typing stuff I ought not. I need to watch my becoming riled...) :saywhat:
My thoughts also. Basically he just reiterates the stuff that you & HTF have been saying. I don't think he's a major player since he comments on things he's heard rather than things he's seen (blue prints etc.)But it's always nice to hear stuff that confirms your comments. It makes them all the more outstanding. As I've said many times before, In Teebin We Trust. Mostly I posted it since he brought up the interesting scary queue, which we've been discussing here the past few days. I love a great queues,& to me it's essential for an attraction to be considered a great ride.
On the scare actors concept. I would envision them being basically character actors, natives etc., more so than a HHN horror type scare actor. But, of course, their natural native role could invoke some surprise and a little bit of caution type feelings.
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It seems as if no one has read the description on Universal's website:

"Enter the ruins of a primal realm and journey into the dark heart of an island filled with untold dangers. Vicious, ancient predators and unspeakable monstrosities rip into your crew and swarm from every side. Then, in an act of sheer ferocity—or monstrous bravery—King Kong charges between you and certain doom with an earthshaking fury. With each thundering roar and each chest-pounding thud, one colossal truth comes clear.

This is his home, his kingdom. Only he reigns."
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It seems as if no one has read the description on Universal's website:

"Enter the ruins of a primal realm and journey into the dark heart of an island filled with untold dangers. Vicious, ancient predators and unspeakable monstrosities rip into your crew and swarm from every side. Then, in an act of sheer ferocity—or monstrous bravery—King Kong charges between you and certain doom with an earthshaking fury. With each thundering roar and each chest-pounding thud, one colossal truth comes clear.

This is his home, his kingdom. Only he reigns."
Exactly. We were talking about that new description the other day. Good point.
That description though is so enticing. I mean Kong is meant to be scary. Cannibals are scary, giant bugs are scary, ugly mutanted creatures are scary, a 50 ton Monkey is scary. They shouldn't tone down something that was alaways scary to appease some giants. One thing people talk about with Disney is how magical it is and how creative imagineers are, and now that UC is being truly creative, people are not happy with it. We should be happy they are going all out.

It ruins the authenticity. Yea it sucks maybe my cousin, kid, nephew, niece, etc won't be able to handle it but I would rather have something truly awesome creative and unique.
Rip Ride Rockit

(Not counting HE)
I mean is a 2D simulator that different from a 3D one? Also woody is a bit of a stretch isn't it? It's not a bad park but you can't deny the gimmick can get old after a while unlike islands were every ride is totally different than the last. You can argue water rides but I think they're different enough where all 3 of them can be stand alone attractions in their own right.

But back to kong and the conversation of scare actors, it's a tough subject. I remember when the mummy TM's used to jump out at you, using the queue as a maze and it was all in good fun. One in particular used the one trap where you reached your hand in and the lights turned off with an airblast to his advantage, everytime the lights would run out he'd just run after you and it got tons of people. It honestly pretty nerve wracking to walk through the line and I haven't seen them scare in years probably due to someone complaining.

I think where kong will obviously differ from this experience is the make up and costuming. There's a difference between a bunch of guys in fezs running after you with no make up than a gruesome native out for your head. The make up in the remake was insanely disturbing and made the scene 10x more rough than any other incarnation. Imagining that popping out at you is something that belongs in HHN, way to rough for the GP. I think this would only work if it was one native actor, maybe near the end for one final scare before you board. If the entire queue became a haunted house, a bunch of complaints could seriously shut the entire thing down and we'd be left with bare areas where scare actors used to be. Not to mention the people who punch when they get scared, a problem that's plagued HHN since it began. In that case it's defendable too since it's a day time ride and I wasn't expecting it and there aren't natives popping out in other rides, making for legal troubles and blah blah blah. It's the same thing as the dueling dragons not dueling anymore, one idiot can ruin it all. Side note!!! Doc from face off announced he had a part of this attraction too, possibly with the make up of these natives
Looks like a Rafiki M&

On the scare actors concept. I would envision them being basically character actors, natives etc., more so than a HHN horror type scare actor. But, of course, their natural native role could invoke some surprise and a little bit of caution type feelings.

Yeah, I think they cold do a native shaman that is more of a creepy comedy act than trying to scare people. Just interact with the guests and talk about which ones look like they'd make for good eating and stuff like that. Maybe have a stage like area in the queue line kinda like Disaster so a lot of people could see them.

Probably not, but it would make it a little easier for the GP to deal with.
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Yeah, I think they cold do a native shaman that is more of a creepy comedy act than trying to scare people. Just interact with the guests and talk about which ones look like they'd make for good eating and stuff like that. Maybe have a stage like area in the queue line kinda like Disaster so a lot of people could see them.

Probably not, but it would make it a little easier for the GP to deal with.
A barker would be tons of fun. Could you imagine the interactions it would make with everybody? It would be fun for kids too. I would seriously love that
I think there are ways to incorporate actors into the queue without it resembling a HHN maze. For example, if the actors were at a relative distance interacting with a set, or subtly appearing and vanishing with lighting changes, in a manner that's more foreboding than startling. After all, the queue is to build suspense.

Just gotta say, don't think I've been this excited about a ride in years. Honestly can't wait for those doors to open...
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as long as they don't get up all in my business, im fine with the actors in a contained area for me to interact with. Just don't get in my face.
^ He's a hack and probably a TM or part of operations to potentially know when training begins. The teams at UC and Nassal and where ever wouldn't have a clue when training begins. They're reeeely busy and don't care! A&D or Entertainment might know, but even their knowledge of this attraction is limited, although Aiello probably knows lots but doesn't talk.

This x1000. Park ops might as well be on the other side of the world. A&D doesn't care either. They have their own deadlines that are separate from the rest.
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as long as they don't get up all in my business, im fine with the actors in a contained area for me to interact with. Just don't get in my face.
I think that's the key. This isn't HHN and people didn't pay for (nor expect) that type of experience.
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Back in the good ole days of Dueling Dragons, I would find myself TERRIFIED of the queue for DD. Nothing scared me more than walking past that fake gate with the dragon roar behind it. Also, there were some great memories of my dad hiding behind pillars and scaring the piss out of me. My point?

I turned out pretty ok.

I had always been shocked to see parents bring small children in to halloween horror nights. Like, why? But! People chose to do it and I'm sure it'll be the same here. If you don't want to bring a kid through the queue, don't.

Final point: I used to cry like a baby on Jaws and Kongfrontation. Last I checked they didnt get rid of those rides or tone them down for the child's sake.
Back in the good ole days of Dueling Dragons, I would find myself TERRIFIED of the queue for DD. Nothing scared me more than walking past that fake gate with the dragon roar behind it. Also, there were some great memories of my dad hiding behind pillars and scaring the piss out of me. My point?

I turned out pretty ok.

I had always been shocked to see parents bring small children in to halloween horror nights. Like, why? But! People chose to do it and I'm sure it'll be the same here. If you don't want to bring a kid through the queue, don't.

Final point: I used to cry like a baby on Jaws and Kongfrontation. Last I checked they didnt get rid of those rides or tone them down for the child's sake.

I've completely forgot about that. IIRC there was a bit in the queue that had a 180 turn with a window and bars separating both sides and somebody would grab you from the other side.
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