Just got back from seeing this a second time, it's definitely solidified as my favorite animated film of 2018. It really is a amazing Spider-Man film, and it's a downright triumph for a animated film with what they pushed and pulled off with the various mediums.
Now award show-wise, I do fully acknowledge that these shows are all about who can schmooze and sway the voters the best. It's a ugly truth, but that's the way it is. On top of that, the voters can be total snobs, especially when it comes to anything animated. (The Academy Awards are notorious up tights, where you can give them a DVD with all of the animated short films, and they don't even watch or vote for them.)
The Golden Globes and Academy Awards are guilty of this, and one would think the Annie Awards would do this right...but they're actually -worse- as the major animated studios are the main SPONSERS for the show itself. There's quite a story where one year the first Kung Fu Panda dominated the Annie's, Disney threw a fit and "reminded" the organizers they're a major sponsor...people got fired and all of a sudden Disney is dominating the awards.
With all that said, I'm happy things went into the Spider-Verse's direction since it's actually the best animated film of 2018. (Second would be Isle of Dogs) Hopefully it follows suit with the other awards, but you never know with that bunch.