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Springfield Expansion

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This concept art is just so mesmerizing. I seriously cannot take my eyes off of it. I have nothing bad to say about it with what I'm seeing in the concept art. I'm just really intrigued to find out what interactive stuff HTF was talking about! and I'm wondering does Itchy and Scratchy have any place in this expansion at all? because they are big characters in the show. If not, then maybe for a future plan? but anyways I'm BEYOND STOKED and I really hope it turns out to be as amazing as it looks! And the Simpsons definitely DESERVES a land like this. Btw HTF will Barney be mentioned or shown in some way in Moe's?

That's true! Thanks I totally forgot about that. It's pretty hilarious too. And I was just thinking if in the future and I know it wouldn't be for a long time, but how amazing does a Simpsons Dark Ride sound? Like I know we have mentioned it on here more than a few times, but think of all the possibilities for a TRUE dark ride for the Simpsons. There are so many characters and storylines you could use! It wouldn't happen but do you think a dark ride could fit in Animal Actors spot?

I am in for a dark ride. Taking out Animal Actors would be enough space for something there. Then they could stretch the Springfield theming around front, with The Simpsons, and Flanders houses, the School, Powerplant...

It would be cool if there were TVs up inside Krusty's and Cletus' that featured Itchy & Scratchy cartoons, and Kent Brockman could chime in with breaking news. Then some funny commercial breaks highlighting iconic places around Springfield.
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Just read this on the new Orlando Informer article:Not only does this add another attraction that younger guests can ride in the park, but it seems in the art – and the attraction name itself – that this spinner will come with a twist: the flying saucers may rotate individually while going around the spinner. Think Storm Force Accelatron in Marvel Superhero Island mixed with One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish in Seuss Landing.
-I just thought I would show you that regardless if it's true or not lol

I have a feeling that Kang and Kodos' ride UFOs are going to spin: Universal probably wants to differentiate it from One Fish over in Seuss. Plus, it gives the area a huge kick of kinetic energy - imagine how eye-popping the area's going to look at night when everything's lit-up!

Springfield as a whole is Universal's one-two response to New Fantasyland (I'm counting TF as part of that). It's about as many ride additions as Disney's expansion. If they added a small C-ticket Itchy and Scratchy dark ride and a recreation of the Simpsons' and Ned Flanders' homes, the new area would be beyond perfect. It would easily be the hidden gem of USF since Comcast doesn't see a need to market the effort (Disney launches fireworks for bathrooms lol)

Really, anything that adds something for the whole family is great for Universal. I honestly think most of the additions after Gringotts will be family rides.
If they do add another thrill machine, it would be probably LOTR, Star Trek, or Kong; Fast and Furious isn't theme park material and wouldn't fit anywhere in the current parks... that's why Test Track was turned into Tron-lite haha ;) but I would support it in a new area in a third park! A ride that makes Test Track look like Dumbo :p
I am in for a dark ride. Taking out Animal Actors would be enough space for something there. Then they could stretch the Springfield theming around front, with The Simpsons, and Flanders houses, the School, Powerplant...

It would be cool if there were TVs up inside Krusty's and Cletus' that featured Itchy & Scratchy cartoons, and Kent Brockman could chime in with breaking news. Then some funny commercial breaks highlighting iconic places around Springfield.

I would love to see the Power Plant as a Dark Ride! Yeah and when the commercial breaks on it it can show guests walking through Springfield lol :thumbs:
Are there going to be a lot less patio tables? As it appears in the concept art, it would be hard to use the facades of Moe's or any of the restaurants as a good photo op with those umbrellas in the way.

There won't be that many. I don't think it's physically possible.

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non-alcoholic flaming Moe? Snooze...


Literally the entire point of the Flaming Homer is that it's alcoholic.
I am in for a dark ride. Taking out Animal Actors would be enough space for something there. Then they could stretch the Springfield theming around front, with The Simpsons, and Flanders houses, the School, Powerplant...

It would be cool if there were TVs up inside Krusty's and Cletus' that featured Itchy & Scratchy cartoons, and Kent Brockman could chime in with breaking news. Then some funny commercial breaks highlighting iconic places around Springfield.
Your dark ride idea sounds great...I was thinkin of one of just the Nuclear Power Plant (like riding throughout the plant), but if they could incorporate all major landmarks, that would truly be heaven for a Simpsons fan!
Your dark ride idea sounds great...I was thinkin of one of just the Nuclear Power Plant (like riding throughout the plant), but if they could incorporate all major landmarks, that would truly be heaven for a Simpsons fan!

Oh, I meant the outside theming...

The darkride could be themed to the Power Plant (and like you described), or look like the school (and the ride could be 'inspired' by the opening credits to the show).

Then across the street, they could have Simpsons and Flanders homes, scalded down a little in size right in front of that park like area.

And fill out the area between Animal Actors and before you get to Krusty Burger et al with even more Springfield.
So are we expecting this entire thing to open by June 20th? Including the ride, street, signs, statues, and waterfront brickwork???
It's nothing official, just their guess.

I know, and I hope he's wrong. We are going during the last week of June, and I would love for everything to be open by then. On the one hand, it looks like there is too much to do for it to open by June 20th, but on the other hand, insiders have said that a lot of the fabrication is being done offsite, so the work involved onsite wouldn't be that time consuming. We'll see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Considering HTF has been right about, Idk, everything else about the expansion. I'm going to trust him when he says everything is a good for 6/20.
I know if anybody is capable of building something ridiculously fast, it's Universal. However, June 20 is less than a month away, I just don't realistically think it's possible. We shall see...
The Flaming Moe will be offered. It will be non-alcoholic and the "flaming" effect looks like it will be achieved with something along the lines of dry ice or liquid nitrogen based on a picture I saw. No idea what is actually in the drink though.

Second, isn't it unsafe to use liquid nitrogen in a drink? :inquisitive:

And it's safe, but dangerous. It obviously can't be drank until all the LN has evaporated, and a quick Google search can find out what happens when things go wrong.

If I had to guess, I'd say they would use dry ice over liquid nitrogen. Would be safer for the guests and the employees, not to mention much more practical. Heck, my friends and I used dry ice for a Halloween party punch a couple years ago. You can just keep it in a regular freezer.

I think the best and safest way to execute this would be to serve it in a souvenir cup that they keep in the freezer and would have a sort of puck of dry ice in a chamber in the bottom and a small hole into the cup itself, then the CO2 fog would filter up through the drink. You don't want guests handling and throwing around dry ice. :stunned:
I wouldn't mind seeing this expansion growing even further, all the way from the Men In Black store to KidZone. KidZone needs to change anyway and I think a transition between Simpsons and Nickelodeon, let's say, would be rather nice. Something has to be done between MIB and Springfield. I haven't been to the parks in some time, is that stupid Coke thing still there?

Having the Simpson's house and plant would be awesome and I agree, a nuclear plant dark ride would be great. If they do replace the Animal Actor's show with the nuclear plant, they could also have some sort of slime funnel on the side of the building, which could tie into the Nickelodeon themed KidZone
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