As someone who was born into a family of Star Wars fans, and that I don't want them to be limited in terms of locations; the area from the model standpoint looks bloody amazing.
As it is, said before; canon to the SW-verse, I am really going to be curious to see what connects all of this together; as it definitely feels like it's in the new trilogy as opposed to just being a random mish mash.
One of the criticisms I do find, that it feels too big.
Perhaps I may have my thoughts wrong when I enter the land, but if they could of made it a tiny bit smaller, it could bring a larger impact for me.
As someone who never has experienced Diagon in person, but seen it through media; Star Wars Land will be my Diagon Alley. I am going to try to go blind on it here on out, but it'd probably going to be harder for me, as I have more of a bias for Star Wars than any other franchise that Disney has or created themselves.
Either way, I'm excited. And I hope, as a Universal fan; that this really is amazing.