If they literally built Mos Eisley, what's the point in getting upset about it? Because it doesn't have the same name you're used to? That's silly.
Star Wars isn't exactly known for its diverse worlds. There's a cloud planet, a lava planet, an ocean planet, a forest planet, a snow planet, a city planet. You notice a trend?
Tatooine, Naboo, Coruscant?
How big of a star wars fan are you? I've created a number scale for the sake of discussion:
1 - I only watch the movies
2 - I own the movies and own some merch.
3 - I own/watch the movies and have watched the shows, maybe played a few games, read some of the novels/comics before.
4 - I own/watch everything star wars, own/played several of the games, own/read some novels
5 - I watch everything star wars, own/read a majority of EU material, own/played several of the games, I've gone out my way to find and watch the Christmas special
Let's be honest here. If you have any level of engagement with Star Wars as a franchise beyond a 1 or a 2, chances are you can name a few planets or locations that you would die to go to... Some of which were even in the movies.
The fundamental difference between Batuu, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and even Carsland is Batuu is using an IP to suit the needs of a Theme park, rather than actualizing a fantasy environment.
It's sad. There's a broad age range who grew up with Star Wars and a dense fandom who grew up with a varying array of experiences related to the different timelines in the franchise... There are a lot of 3,4's and 5's who are making valid observations about certain choices Disney makes with the franchise... and it's like you can't criticize any move they make... but you can criticize "how" they do whatever they do.
Disney has treated Star Wars in such a way that just sheds light away from any and everything to do with the original trilogy and everything that came up until the point where they acquired it.
Instead of building an original star wars location, they built some new place that would cater more to the image they want to present in their theme parks, and their current vision for the franchise. Instead of the gritty vibe you got from Mos Eisley... You know the wretched hive of scum and villainy... you have... The very "disneyfied" Batuu.
What's the point of building an IP land if you aren't going to drop guest in the middle of the IP?
I mean... "Go Disney". The land looks cool. The rides look cool. The movies make a billion dollars. You can't say their treatment of the franchise hasn't been successful.
But man, I really do scratch my head on quite a few moves they've made with the franchise.
I mean, let me say it as simply as I can say it... In the grand scheme of things, Kylo Ren is not Darth Vader... Not in Star Wars, Not on Earth...