Disney set up temporary turnstiles and ticket stations yesterday. They were expecting much larger crowds than they got. This isn't a death knell nor does it mean they handled everything perfectly. They got less than they expected, and I think many Disney fans are disappointed they don't have an IOA Hogsmeade photo of their own so they're falling back to "exactly what they wanted!"
I believe SWGE can, itself, be hitting or surpassing the goals they set, but the rest of the park is empty and likely not hitting their financial goals. The fact many people who follow and study these things are FREAKING OUT about them lifting block outs so quickly is telling.
I wonder if the same people praising the lack of lines as a genius move on Disney's part will then turn around in September and point to hours and hours long waits as also a success. My guess is they totally will because it's not about guest satisfaction or doing things right, it's that what Disney is right, even if the goal posts or expectations change minute by minute.