Not to be too negative about the house, but one thing I dislike is seeing 11 as a bald kid in the research facility again ...
While I understand why they used short hair 11 again because of telling Vecna's story. We already saw little 11 in the research facility the last two houses. We did not need to see those flashbacks in my opinion. Maybe Netflix required them to add it.
But everyone keeps asking where Hopper is and the Russian jail. I hear it both in the park and online. Everyone misses him.
I must ask, how? This is #9 on my list so far, but for me there is a massive gap between my #9 and #10. At least imo ST4's sets are better constructed, it has some decent scares here and there, it's got a clear and consistent theme, some fun crowd-pleasing setpieces. Even with my many issues regarding ST4, I don't know if I've ever been in a house as bad as Ultimate Kill Count in the years I've been going. I'm legitimately curious as to what you experienced.
The other two Stranger things houses were much better and had better rooms. The last house based on season 3 had the giant monster attacking the cabin and attacking the mall. Those two rooms were incredible. The cabin room was always so much fun. Those two older houses had memorable rooms.
The demogorgons are more scary than vecna. Much better looking. More interesting costumes. Vecna is a little bit plain. He just doesn't translate as scary as much as the demogorgons
As for worse house, People keep mentioning bloody Marys house and chance house as bad as Chucky but I liked those 2. ( people mention hellblock horror but I really liked that house)