There are no words to describe how much I've wanted this. A dual Super Mario, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, and potentially Luigi's Mansion theme park land, where I get to meet Mario and Luigi, shop and collect exclusive park amiibo with the Power Up bands, eat with Toads, listen to the music from games I've played for my entire life; where I get to ride on a DKC Mine Kart, hopping tracks up and down, getting launched thru a Barrel Cannon, seeing the DK Crew's treehouse and Rambi and Funky's Plane, and, and, and.......
It's all too exciting to even imagine at this point. I was there in Summer 2015 watching the GameXplain coverage the day this entire partnership was announced. I could've cried then, and ten years later, my excitement hasn't gone down an inch. It's probably jumped several yards up instead haha! I am saving up funds for as many tickets as I can manage, and a good chunk of my time will be here. Let's-a-freaking-GO!