While leaks have slowed down/been cracked down on, I see no reason to jump to any pessimism towards the future. If anything, I feel like they're being unusually vocal about the future right now. They literally dropped a video 3 weeks ago saying they have a full slate of new attractions in development for all four parks. Then, they hyped up that they're exploring the potential for a Wicked land. They've given attractions like ET, Cat in the Hat, and Popeye big touch-ups. Kong's outdoor track has been completely redone. Restaurants like Mel's and Circus McGurkus have gotten complete refurbs and menu redos. Entrance signs have gotten upgraded. The wands got a 2.0 upgrade with effects being added throughout multiple lands. USF got a completely revamped music loop. The HHN tents got a long overdo upgrade. They upgraded the ticketing/entrance process. Etc.
Just because USF/IOA aren't massive active construction zones right now, doesn't mean everything is stagnant. HRRR is being demolished for a new ride in 6 months. Assuming it's replaced with F&F, Supercharged likely sees movement soon after. That would be two major USF problem children dealt with.
Plenty of other rumors have been floating around (Wicked, Luigi, Great Hall, Pokemon, Zelda, etc.) showing various signs of life for quite a while now. And so on. The concern feels incredibly premature.