So, The Thrawn bubble got popped. He is around, somewhere. And I'm willing to bet that he will be physically on camera, at the end of the season.
That said, to go into the of my favorite things is the set design and architecture of Corvus. It feels like something that could be harkened back to when the Mongolians invaded Japan in the 1200's. The juxtoposition of the dreary, desolate encampment, to a clean and gorgeous inner section, with some amazing foliage work makes me commend who designed that room.
As far as Ahsoka, I love how straight to the point they tackled it. She's Ahsoka, she's here. And she's still on her path for Thrawn (which begs the question for Sabine to me). I'm extremely interested to see her come back, especially if we get to see her more often after Season 2 with Rosario. Speaking of her, I liked how Rosario tackled the translation of Ashley's VA work towards a live action process. It didn't feel unnatural to me in the grand scheme.