I feel like they might pull something big out this year. Whether it's making the whole event big since it's an anniversary year or at least securing a big IP that can anchor down the event.
Considering they went 80's 2 years in a row, Could that have been a way for them to recycle a lot of things from the previous years to save costs and only put big funds in their headlining properties like the Ghostbusters & Stranger Things house and Merch
to be able to have bigger funds to go all in on HHN 30? I feel like besides GB & ST's everything else just seemed simple, recycled and not so costly, Which doesn't necessarily mean it was not effective.
Almost all the scarezones was basically simple masks or makeup with some simple recycled props except maybe Hellbilly Deluxe.
Almost all the houses were recycled material or properties from previous years just with a few updates (Yeti's, Classic Monsters, Nightingales, Killer Klownz, Graveyard Games).
These are my thoughts after going through HHN29 and seeing how early they are releasing dates and already promoting HHN30 right after the event has wrapped up.
Maybe someone like
@Legacy can give some thoughts and insight?