Welcome to the forums! And yea, reading posts from November to now in a thread this active might cause you to go stir crazy faster than the quarantine will.

Essentially, what we've got so far is this:
Over the past few months Legacy has heard multiple rumors and let us know about a few thru clues and such. People have compiled the rumors before, but it's been a bit so I'll post it once more, plus his thoughts on how likely it is (at the time of reveal, at least).
Confident is happening:
-Haunting of Hill House
-Bride(s) of Frankenstein (and Dracula?)
Certain is happening in some form or another:
-Billie Eilish
-Legendary Truth
Not confident either way:
-Jack Marketing
-Cafe La Bamba house location
Confident not happening:
-Doctor Who
-Candyman (Legacy has said he has not heard any rumors about Candyman, despite how often it is brought up by fans)
Those and the two spec maps floating around are essentially the field we're playing on right now. Of course, the spec maps are never right the first few times, Legacy and other insiders can miss info or simply get stuff wrong, and in general an event with this tight of a deadline and this many companies working together with rights and licensing issues to work through is bound to have some issues come up from time to time. That's just the fun of spec. Nothing is set in stone until it's announced, and with all the insanity happening right now, announcements might be a little hard to come by for a bit while Uni waits for it all to blow over. This is looking to be a pretty interesting year overall. Hope this helps!