Are you rearing to the DocHolds on B79? That’s the only permit on any type of hold. A quick click on the DocHolds shows that it is a request for specific Docs prior to final inspection.
BLD (build) permit for B108 was applied and began review on 4/1. FIR (fire) permits for ST1, ST2, T3, B79, and SS23A were all applied for on 4/1 as well. The BLD permits for those 5 locations appear to have all had their plan reviews completed.
Construction is classified as an essential service per Homeland Security. There is no reason to hold/stop construction unless contracted construction companies cease building.
I’m building a house. I’ve had the footers poured, block delivered, dirt delivered and compacted, and plumber & electrician out for initial installations needed prior to the pouring of the slab. All this was within the last 3 weeks.
Edits:I seriously need to watch what autocorrect is doing with my typing!