To me this reads like he really just wants to see Hades, not their original creatures against a Greek/Roman backdrop. I can get why seeing the gods and monsters from mythology in a full fledged house would be appealing
Hades was a house I should have loved, but it totally fell flat for me. It had a great beginning and a few decent scares along the way, but I always walked out thinking it should have been better. This coming from a guy who loves his Greek/Roman mythology
I would love a Norse mythology house, but I expect it will NEVER happen. There’s just not enough iconic/relatable creatures they could put in there for the GP. The Vikings last year are probably the closest we will come unless they do an Original concept against a Viking backdrop (Nightingale’s, Body Collectors, The Forsaken, etc)
By the by, I totally understand wanting to see something you missed out on, I still wish I saw Gothic or Dead end and anything before 2009.