On another topic entirely- I am 5 episodes into haunting of hill house and I am increasingly underwhelmed.
I’m routinely guessing poor dialogue, surprise scares (about 2 per episode), and plot “twists” accurately, and I’m usually one who never guesses in movies. The plot is so slow that my mind starts working on parallel tracks and solves these puzzles easily on its own. I won’t list any spoilers here, and good for you if you enjoyed it, but it seems surprisingly tame and boring for a “scary” series, and makes me fear a house. My 12 year old son actually fell asleep watching episode 5, at 6 pm.
I feel like it was promoted as amazing storytelling, and an incredibly scary series that some people will struggle to get through due to the creepiness. What are we missing here? Opinion is unanimously shared between the 3 of us watching it (me, 15 yr old, and 12 yr old).
Rebuttals requested. Thanks!