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The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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Chances on the event being re-ran early next year for an "encore season"?

Someone with more knowledge could probably answer better but I believe they need to tear down and re-purpose most of the spaces where the houses are located shortly after the event has concluded. Not to mention HHN is a year-long development cycle so I don't see them wanting to take even some of their assets away from next year's event just to have a second HHN30.

Regardless of all that I just don't see it happening unless they get really desperate for cash inflow. Shortly after HHN it's Holiday Celebration and once that's done it's on to different things for the new year.

It's just going to be a weird year where a lot of people have to come to terms with the fact that they're not comfortable going to the event or might not be able to due to things that are completely out of their control. Which sucks but it is what it is.
Part of the fun for me is hitting houses multiple times. I can get up to 15 house runs done in a night with S&S + express.

What’s the plan for express holders after they complete all houses? Kick them out? Resubmit for houses? What about right at close when houses have no waits?

Also, how will the zones be mitigated? I’m assuming they’re not going to let you hang out in zones and people watch this year.
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Part of the fun for me is hitting houses multiple times. I can get up to 15 house runs done in a night with S&S + express.

What’s the plan for express holders after they complete all houses? Kick them out? Resubmit for houses? What about right at close when houses have no waits?

Also, how will the zones be mitigated? I’m assuming they’re not going to let you hang out in zones and people watch this year.
I’m not expecting the zones to be anything special this year just simply due to restrictions so you may not be missing much. Like, I kinda doubt there’s chainsaws this year, for instance.
I’m not expecting the zones to be anything special this year just simply due to restrictions so you may not be missing much. Like, I kinda doubt there’s chainsaws this year, for instance.
I'm expecting every scarezone to look like the Face Off zone

Scareactors on stages, good lighting so people don't bump into each other.

As for houses, obviously no transition curtains. Probably no air blasts or water either.
Part of the fun for me is hitting houses multiple times. I can get up to 15 house runs done in a night with S&S + express.

What’s the plan for express holders after they complete all houses? Kick them out? Resubmit for houses? What about right at close when houses have no waits?

Also, how will the zones be mitigated? I’m assuming they’re not going to let you hang out in zones and people watch this year.

If you're not in a queue, you're most likely in a zone to keep the social distancing, so I have a feeling that people will be hanging out in zones, strictly because there would be nowhere else to put them.

HOWEVER...this brings up the question that resurfaces every once in awhile. How much does it impact their profits if they just open IOA or parts of it to store the 18-20,000 people and would it be worth it to open? I'm not sure if @Legacy has answered this in detail yet, but I'm curious to see a similar calculation that they did for capacity. Hypothetically, they could also "store" people at CityWalk and when your reservation to enter the park has started, they "page" you.

Just thought of this as well. What if they turn HHN into an attraction in and of itself? Where they move you through the park and each house is a part of a queue? Meaning, if you want to experience HHN, you have to do all of the houses or none of the houses, but at least you get to experience it? I'm sure there are a lot of logistical issues for this, if a house breaks down, etc. people want to ride rides, but I think it's an interesting option. They could also make rides, not apart of the experience this year. Just a thought.
I'm expecting every scarezone to look like the Face Off zone

Scareactors on stages, good lighting so people don't bump into each other.

As for houses, obviously no transition curtains. Probably no air blasts or water either.
Or fog, stuff in face, scents, and GATs.

So you mean to tell me I might actually be able to walk through San Francisco this year? And I may not have to touch anything disgusting in the houses?

Since an icons house or other sort of appearance from them is basically confirmed at this point (they’re shooting commercials featuring the icons, I’d assume they’d have a role in this event), what characters do you all think will be featured? We know the commercial features Jack, Usher, Cindy, Eddie and Chance. I’m assuming they’ll also include the Terra Queen and also the Storyteller to bring Terra back.
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Since an icons house or other sort of appearance from them is basically confirmed at this point (they’re shooting commercials featuring the icons, I’d assume they’d have a role in this event), what characters do you all think will be featured? We know the commercial features Jack, Usher, Cindy, Eddie and Chance. I’m assuming they’ll also include the Terra Queen and also the Storyteller to bring Terra back.

Caretaker and Director, obviously!
So you mean to tell me I might actually be able to walk through San Francisco this year? And I may not have to touch anything disgusting in the houses?

Yeah SF is pretty awful. Seemed the best time to hang out there was the last two sets of the night as people went towards the exit.

IDK gross stuff dangling in guests’ path is traditional within any haunted house; even local ones. It’s meant to freak you out. Haunted houses aren’t meant to be a sanitary experience....until now, I guess.
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If you're not in a queue, you're most likely in a zone to keep the social distancing, so I have a feeling that people will be hanging out in zones, strictly because there would be nowhere else to put them.

HOWEVER...this brings up the question that resurfaces every once in awhile. How much does it impact their profits if they just open IOA or parts of it to store the 18-20,000 people and would it be worth it to open? I'm not sure if @Legacy has answered this in detail yet, but I'm curious to see a similar calculation that they did for capacity. Hypothetically, they could also "store" people at CityWalk and when your reservation to enter the park has started, they "page" you.

Just thought of this as well. What if they turn HHN into an attraction in and of itself? Where they move you through the park and each house is a part of a queue? Meaning, if you want to experience HHN, you have to do all of the houses or none of the houses, but at least you get to experience it? I'm sure there are a lot of logistical issues for this, if a house breaks down, etc. people want to ride rides, but I think it's an interesting option. They could also make rides, not apart of the experience this year. Just a thought.

Or just open more rides.
Since an icons house or other sort of appearance from them is basically confirmed at this point (they’re shooting commercials featuring the icons, I’d assume they’d have a role in this event), what characters do you all think will be featured? We know the commercial features Jack, Usher, Cindy, Eddie and Chance. I’m assuming they’ll also include the Terra Queen and also the Storyteller to bring Terra back.
I think that Cindy is supposed to be in the anniversary house IIRC so I wouldn’t be surprised if Eddie shows up there as well. I’d say the icon house will feature recreations of some of the icon houses/scarezones (albeit indoors) to show the respective realms that they inhabit. So a carnival/circus for Jack, Screamhouse for the Caretaker, a film studio for the Director, an old library that leads into Terra Cruentes for the Storyteller, a movie theatre for the Usher, a casino for Lady Luck and an asylum/theatre for Chance. I wonder if Fear will be included maybe?
Am I the only one that thinks it’s extremely odd for the ad this year to supposedly be Jack, Usher, Cindy, Eddie, and chance? Seems like they would want to focus the most on Jack, caretaker, director, story teller
You film who you can get.

EDIT to add -

Also, if it’s Jack and only Usher, Cindy, Eddie, and Chance, then I can see why they wouldn’t want to use the other icons. The named crew (yes, including Usher) are all second-bill characters. Putting all of them, plus trying to feature the top-bill icons, and the IPs, is just too much for a 30-second spot to say “This is what we’re leading with.” They’re leading with Jack.

I also think they’re filming the rumored VQ videos too.
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Am I the only one that thinks it’s extremely odd for the ad this year to supposedly be Jack, Usher, Cindy, Eddie, and chance? Seems like they would want to focus the most on Jack, caretaker, director, story teller
It was probably easier to film cause Jack and Chance’s actors are both Universal employees and Eddie and Cindy are really easy to cast (muscular dude and tiny girl).
Do you guys think the HHN30 tv spot will drop on the same day as the announcements, or will it drop like a week or two after all the house announcements?

Depends on when they end up announcing everything. Typically the TV spot is late August, so even on a normal schedule, we're still around 2 months away from that. I'd be surprised if they were the same day though.
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