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The Old KidZone Thread

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I'm always rooting for ET. Remember that article that they ran in the Orlando Sentinel a few years back about Spielberg considering leaving his Consulting Position?

From what's been heard, Steven loves ET and I don't think he'd be too happy at the thought of having it removed. As was mentioned in the article, the last thing Universal wants is for him to exercise his options. Since he can at any time demand a buyout that would cost the resort hundreds of millions of dollars. If what the article mentioned was true, which was mentioned on a few news outlets that it was, I'm pretty sure they'd rather keep ET than lose a nice chunk of change.

Well I do suppose that would change a few things....
I'm gonna need for Steven to spring for a 50 million dollar upgrade then :lol:
Well I do suppose that would change a few things....

I think if Spielberg were told he had crabs, was an accidental pregnancy, and was kicked in the groin; he'd be ok with all that because ET still stands. He really loves that guy. Jaws was an understood cut, which is why you didn't hear anything about him being upset. ET though, that's his baby. Probably loves him more than his own kids.
I'm gonna need for Steven to spring for a 50 million dollar upgrade then :lol:

Well if thats the case, the more power to 'em!

I would say Uni creative would then be stuck in quite the pickle. Loss of money over Speilberg+make-over which cld turn in to a good profit or keep spielberg and lose the chance of a good profit and keep their hundreds of millions of dollars.

Somebody give spielberg some of this spell that Harry gave to the goblin :lol:


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BriMan;265873[B said:
]I think if Spielberg were told he had crabs, was an accidental pregnancy, and was kicked in the groin[/B]; he'd be ok with all that because ET still stands. He really loves that guy. Jaws was an understood cut, which is why you didn't hear anything about him being upset. ET though, that's his baby. Probably loves him more than his own kids.

That's rough bro haha but probably true...
I think if Spielberg were told he had crabs, was an accidental pregnancy, and was kicked in the groin; he'd be ok with all that because ET still stands. He really loves that guy. Jaws was an understood cut, which is why you didn't hear anything about him being upset. ET though, that's his baby. Probably loves him more than his own kids.

This is more of because Steven openly never cared for any of the theme park versions of Jaws(that of course includes Hollywood)

And yeah, with him having that much pull in the company I am with anyone who said he needs to toss some millions at a nice refurb.
If you ask me ET's days are numbered and it would better serve Universal to level it and use the massive amount of land to create new attractions. Take a look on a map, you knock down ET, Fievel, Animal Actors, Barney, Woody Woodpecker, and Curious George you have an enormous amount of real estate.

In turn you "could" do this,

Dreamworks Land complete with Madagascar Play area, Shrek M&G, and a HTTYD themed show
Bikini Bottom with SpongeBob flume ride and massive water play area.

Just brainstorming here but you get the idea. ET is a thing of the past and attracting younger families is the next phase.
The ET building in itself is HUGE and the rest would be a lot of space as well so it would in theory be a great plan. I just don't see it (as mentioned) bc of Spielberg.
And yeah, with him having that much pull in the company I am with anyone who said he needs to toss some millions at a nice refurb.
He's sort of the John Lasseter of Universal in terms of the amount of pull he seems to have. I just wish they would give ET an update if they want to keep the thing around.
Spielberg pulling other franchises is really the only issue Universal has to worry about. Losing him as a creative mind is not that big of a loss these days, as I heavily believe he is well past his prime. He puts his name to almost anything these days no matter the quality, and the latest films he has directed have been generic and boring. He is just losing he creative edge. The days of ET, Jaws and Jurassic park are long gone. Almost any big project he works on these days he is always the producer and he does so many of them he wouldn't be able to keep up with them. Therefore he has even less time to work with the park. So the only major loss they would have is the other IP, which I am not sure why Universal doesn't hold more rights to.
I understand he likes E.T. but if it doesn't make sense for the park anymore (say Kidzone IS replaced with spongebob) then I don't see why he'd be such a a**clown to say "No, you pull E.T. I will throw a tantrum! And I will pull Jurassic Park." That would be really immature and plus it's not like he frequents the parks all that much it's the general public that has to look at it and it would make for a nice attraction with updated technology if it goes.
I think there's plenty of other attractions that need to be repalced first before Steven is okay with ET leavining. It's massive real estate, but I wouldn't say it's prime compared to something like Shrek or T2. Like others have said, it's possible to move on with Kidzone while keeping ET. Then there's still Twister and FFL. When progress is made in those areas, I think an arguement that may convince him to let go has a chance.
I think people seriously over estimate Spielberg's anger over getting rid of ET. The dude gets a huge check from Universal Orlando every year for basically doing nothing. If a new ride in the spot where ET is is going to help Universal Orlando, I think you'll see it replaced.
Honestly though...ET's days are numbered

You can disagree with me if you like but there's no way that I see this company hang on to this ride any longer than 4 more years maybe 5. I expect to see it close down shortly after the phase 2 opens and Uni will probably have to fork over a chunk of change but I'm sure it will be made up easily and then some. And that's if he throws a temper tantrum.
E.T. won't be leaving. It's a big chunk of the parks history, especially considering it's the only opening day ride left. E.T. will.... be..... right...... here.....
E.T. won't be leaving. It's a big chunk of the parks history, especially considering it's the only opening day ride left. E.T. will.... be..... right...... here.....

You say this with such conviction. Wasn't Jaws part of Uni's history? Or is it because ET is a part of your history? Look. In order to make money theme parks have to constantly appeal to the current generation. Right? Makes sense, so what does Uni do? They appeal to the current generation in Harry Potter and boom! Millions upon millions of dollars almost overnight! Now theyre expanding upon their further success by updating a park that was near death, with the CURRENT generation's popular items. Transformers, Harry Potter, Simpson's and yet you want to say ET I'm sorry but I believe your nostalgia is getting the best of you and blinding your judgement. If Universal wants to proceed to the top then they have to have the products to get them there. ET won't do it in the long run and they can do much better with the spot it's in.

You're entitled to your opinion but saying a ride is staying put just due to a part of history is saying that we shouldn't eat the turkey when it's cooked because of all the time you put in to cook it. Strange analogy but true.

History means nothing in the long run of business/money making besides just making memories.

Time moves on.
Jaws wasn't closed because it was old. It was closed because it was extremely expensive to operate and maintain. ET doesn't have that problem.
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