Blue Streak, Gemini, you got to be kidding

. Just rode both of those a few weeks ago and RRR is nowhere near their bone crunching, neck snapping, super rough ride, UK Trigg said the same) on their roughness). Rode RRR in May most recently as comparison. So with those three you mentioned that you consider rough, that's five really bad coasters. I've been riding the coasters at Cedar Point since they only had one coaster in the park. All of those were OK in their earlier years but they've deteriorated to the point they all need torn down. Unfortunately that's economically unfeasible. I'm guessing the effects of the lake surrounding the park are mainly to blame for early deterioration. Magnum used to be my fav coaster anywhere, but now it's really unrideable, and that's a shame....The other coasters you mentioned are good to excellent. No problem there. But five really bad coasters in one park is about five too many.....RRR is certainly a bit rough, no doubt about that, but not on the level of those five at CP . Seriously, I've been going to Cedar Point since the early 70's . I have easily over a hundred trips to the park over the decades. But, I'll never go back. It's a shadow of the beautiful park it was. Vastly overrated at this stage of it's life. UK Trigg on Cedar Point, "One and done" .....and just for context sake, I'm one who actually likes a bit of roughness in a coaster, one reason I prefer wooden coasters over metal, but these all were way too much for me since they just make you feel like you're getting beat up while riding.